More info about the Zebra puzzle.

George Osipov
Theoretical computer science.
Research in theoretical computer science
I am broadly interested in theoretical computer science, with a focus on constraint satisfaction problems and parameterized complexity.
My research is in computational complexity, an area that studies possibilities and limitations of efficient computation from a mathematical perspective. More specifically, I work on constraint satisfaction problems – a general class of problems where a global solution needs to satisfy many local constraints (think of solving the Zebra puzzle, or scheduling classes for a university while avoiding time conflicts).
More info about the Zebra puzzle.
More info about the Zebra puzzle.
Doctoral thesis

George Osipov
Short facts about George Osipov
I am a fourth-year PhD student at TCSLAB supervised by Peter Jonsson and co-supervised by Victor Lagerkvist.
Originally I'm from Georgia where I received a BSc in computer science at Free University of Tbilisi and studied towards a MSc in mathematics Ilia State University.
I spent a year at Uppsala University thanks to the Erasmus+ exchange programme. I am part of AIICS division at IDA and also AI/math track of WASP graduate school.