Photo of Ulf Nilsson

Ulf Nilsson

Professor Emeritus

Has been Professor emeritus since 2022 after being a Professor in computer science for almost 20 years.

Professor emeritus in computer science

Ulf Nilsson became Professor emeritus 2022 after being Professor in Computer Science for almost 20 years at the Department of Computer and Information Science.

Professor emeritus Ulf Nilsson began his academic career with a Master of Engineering degree in Computer Engineering (Linköping, 1986), followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Linköping, 1992, Thesis titled: ”Abstract Interpretations & Abstract Machines : Contributions to a Methodology for the Implementation of Logic Programs”) and post-doctorate work at Stony Brook University, New York. 

He has been guest researcher on multiple occasions at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan in Paris and has been awarded The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences's Chester Carlson Award. His research is mainly in the fields of computational logic and formal modeling/verification.

Ulf Nilsson was Dean of the Institute of Technology 2011-2020. Prior to that he served as Deputy Head of the Department of Computer and Information Science (1998-2004), Deputy Dean at the Institute of Technology (2004-2010) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (2011).

He has been chairman of the board of the National Supercomputing Center (NSC) since 2010, and board member of WASP (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program) since 2015. 





Pär Emanuelsson, Ulf Nilsson (2008) A Comparative Study of Industrial Static Analysis Tools (extended version)
Pär Emanuelsson, Ulf Nilsson (2008) A Comparative Study of Industrial Static Analysis Tools Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 217 Continue to DOI


Karolina Andersson, Eva Lindblad, Karin Mårdsjö Blume, Ulf Nilsson, Anette Philipsson, Maria Sundkvist (2005) Livet som doktorand vid Linköpings universitet: Resultat från en enkätundersökning våren 2004
Dan Lawesson, Ulf Nilsson, Inger Klein (2005) An Approach to Post Mortem Diagnosability Analysis for Interacting Finite State Systems Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence (MoChArt '05), p. 139-153 Continue to DOI


Mirelle Ducassé, Ulf Nilsson, Dietmar Seipel (2004) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Teaching Logic Programming: TeachLP 2004

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