Photo of Marie Cronqvist

Marie Cronqvist


I am a professor of modern history. My research is focused on cultural and media historical perspectives on Swedish and European postwar history, Cold War entanglements, information and propaganda, civil defence, and preparedness.

If the war comes - mediated narratives of fear and safety

In my research, I am interested in how the emotionology of societal threats and fears, but also safety and security, has been communicated in modern societies in general and the Cold War in particular. I am particularly interested in the role of the media in the shaping, strengthening and sometimes challenging of cultural communities. In several projects, I have investigated Swedish and European civil defence cultures, information and propaganda, and Third World War imaginaries, as well as the relationship and collaboration between East and West in the field of broadcast media.

Since 2024, I am a full professor of modern history at the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) at Linköping University. My main affiliation is the Division for History, Arts, and Religious Studies, where I am director of research and Ph D education.

Prior to this position at Linköping University, I was head of the subject Media History at the Department of Communication and Media (KOM) at Lund University, Sweden. I have been a visiting scholar at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research/Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) in Hamburg, the European University Institute in Florence, and the Centre for Media History at Macquarie University in Sydney. I am a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA) class X, the Royal Society for the Humanities at Lund, and the New Society of Letters at Lund.

For a full list of publications prior to 2024, see my page in the Lund University Research Portal.

Ongoing research projects


Selected publications

Cover of publication 'Expanding Media Histories: Cultural and Material Perspectives'
Marie Cronqvist, Sune Bechmann Pedersen, Ulrika Holgersson (Editorship) (2023)
Cover of publication 'Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe: Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness'
Marie Cronqvist, Rosanna Farbøl, Casper Sylvest (Editorship) (2022)
Cover of publication 'War Remains: Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars'
Marie Cronqvist, Lina Sturfelt (Editorship) (2018)

Publications in DiVA


Marie Cronqvist (2024) Idag har Hesa Fredrik en mer allvarsam ton
Marie Cronqvist, Fredrik Mohammadi Norén, Emil Stjernholm (2024) Introduction: Towards a History of Media Tactics Media tactics in the long twentieth century, p. 1-15 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Marie Cronqvist, Fredrik Mohammadi Norén, Emil Stjernholm (2024) Afterword: Towards a Tactical Turn? Media history in the long twentieth century, p. 259-261 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Marie Cronqvist, Fredrik Mohammadi Norén, Emil Stjernholm (Editorship) (2024) Media tactics in the long twentieth century
Rosanna Farbøl, Iben Bjørnsson, Marie Cronqvist (2024) Cold War conduct: knowledge transfer, psychological defence, and media preparedness in Denmark between Sweden, Norway, and NATO, 1954-1967: Knowledge transfer, psychological defence and media preparedness in Denmark between Sweden, Norway and NATO, 1954-1967 Scandinavian Journal of History (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


First, second, and third cycle teaching

I lecture, lead seminars, as well as supervise and examine theses on undergraduate and graduate level in history and in teacher education at LiU. I am responsible for the third cycle education in Historical studies and a contact point for the PhD students at the division, where I am also a supervisor and teacher. Together with Johanna Dahlin I am responsible for the supervision committee at Historical Studies and Tema Q.

PhD supervision at Lund University

Emma Hilborn (history, viva 2014, ass supervisor); Martin Ericsson (history, viva 2015, ass supervisor); Erik Edoff (media history, viva 2016, ass supervisor); Charlotte Nilsson (media history, viva 2020, main supervisor); Allan Burnett (media history, viva 2024, main supervisor); Christine Davidsson Sandal (media history, 2019–, ass supervisor); Eskil Vesterlund (media history, 2020–, main supervisor).

Postdocs and mentorship (selected)

Laura Sarenmaa (2016–2019, Crafoord foundation, Lund); Sune Bechmann Pedersen (2016–2017, Crafoord foundation, Lund); Charlie Järpvall (2017–2018, HT faculties, Lund); Betto van Waarden (2020–2022, EU Marie Curie Fellow, Lund); Rosanna Farbøl (2022–2023, Crafoord foundation, Lund).


PhD students and postdoctoral fellows at LiU

