
David Ludvigsson


I am a professor of local history, with an interest in the history of Linköping and Östergötland. My research deals with local perspectives on educational and sports history, as well as how local history is used in schools.

Local history in the 21st century

Since 2023, I am a professor of local history at the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) at Linköping University and the director of the Centre for Local History. In these roles, I try to provide support to researchers who are interested in local history, but also through outreach to non-academic actors such as schools, local heritage associations and lay researchers.

I work at the Division of History, Art History and Religious Studies (HKR) on Campus Valla, where I am also responsible for the research environment Social sciences education research and (together with Maritha Johansson) responsible for the doctoral programme Pedagogic practices in subject-specific education. My professorship is funded by the Catharina Högbom and Michael Cocozza Foundation.

Before I took up my position as professor of local history, I worked for twelve years as an associate professor and senior associate professor of history at Linköping University, and before that as a historian at Uppsala University and the University of Gävle. My research has dealt with local history, history of education, historiography and history education, and has been funded by, among others, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish National Heritage Board, the Swedish School Research Institute and the Ridderstad Foundation.

I am assistant editor at the journal Arts and Humanities in Higher Education. I have at times been director of studies in history and responsible for the history teacher education at Linköping University. As a visiting researcher or guest teacher, I have been with UNC Chapel Hill, the University of Calcutta and Sheffield Hallam University. I have also been president of Sweden’s History Teachers’ Association and of Linköping’s associations archive.

A meaningful local history? Research foracademia and the local Community

Photographer: Daniel Kalmlin

Inaugural lecture as professor at IKOS

In his inaugural lecture, David Ludvigsson discusses how local history should be understood. He addresses the tensions between academic and non-academic local history, and points out some challenges that local history research needs to take into account in the coming years. He emphasises that local history has scientific relevance, but should also be perceived as something that potentially has very great value for the population of a local community.

The lecture was recorded in the I Building on Campus Valla on 23 April 2024. (Swedish).


The local perspective in history

Local studies can contribute to syntheses and comparisons at different levels; regionally, nationally, transnationally and globally.

A local community can develop at a different pace or in a different way than the surrounding region, and it is therefore essential that some researchers start in the local community and look outward, rather than start at the national level and look inward.

A particular challenge lies in drawing attention to the contradictions and tensions that have existed in local communities, where some groups have often been overlooked in previous historiography. I also think that an essential task for me as an academic researcher is to follow the non-academic local history activity and reflect on it, so as to contribute knowledge about how local history is used, by what actors and for what purposes. I am interested in local history as a resource for children (at school) and for older people.

Research environment




First, second and third cycle education

I give lectures, lead seminars and historical excursions, and supervise and examine first and second cycle theses in the subject of history and on the teacher programmes at LiU. My teaching includes film and history, and history didactics.

I teach postgraduate courses and supervise several doctoral students on the doctoral programmes in History and Pedagogic practices. I am also responsible for doctoral education (together with Maritha Johansson) for Pedagogic practices in subject-specific education, and lead its higher seminar and supervisor college.

Co-workers at Division of History, Arts and Religious Studies
