09 November 2021

Four researchers from Linköping University will receive grants in the Swedish Research Council’s latest funding round.

Building structure with an abstract blue and yellow pattern.
Photographer: Peter KarlssonSvarteld form & foto

The largest grant goes to Lars Sandman at the Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV). He will receive SEK 5 million over a three-year period for the project “Fair allocation in healthcare – why should the degree of difficulty matter?”.

Researchers at the Department of Thematic Studies are to receive two grants: Emma Dahlin, SEK 4.7 million for the project “AI among people: challenges in the implementation processes of AI in medical practice, and Corinna Kruse, SEK 2.7 million for the project “Trust and credibility through standardization: accreditation of crime scene work”.
Branka Likic-Brboric from the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS) has been granted SEK 4.1 million for “Democratisation of global migration governance. What leeway does civil society have?”.

This year the Swedish Research Council has made 100 grants to various administrating organisations and almost SEK 440 million will be distributed for the period 2021–2025.


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