05 March 2024

The division of Political Science at LiU is up to date with current orientations towards international relations, EU politics and The Middle East issues. New courses from autumn term 2024 are designed to analyse and understand contemporary political changes.

Male teacher in front of students.
Khalid Khayati teaching international relations. Photographer: Ulrik Svedin
The Department of Political Science at LiU is up to date with current orientations towards international relations, EU politics and The Middle East issues. New courses from autumn term 2024 are designed for analyse and understanding contemporary political changes.

two male teachers in lecture room.
Khalid Khayati and Albin Algotsson.Photo credit: Ulrik Svedin
- It is important that people, both as citizens and professionals, can understand and analyse the present. To be able to draw conclusions, see connections and gain a deeper understanding on what is reported in the media and be able to put it in context.

That's what Albin Algotson, director of studies and Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at LiU, says.

- We can see that the type of knowledge and skills that we can offer attracts both students who are training for a profession and already professionals, he continues. The courses have great relevance for those who are active in or outside of Sweden.

- To respond to the needs that exist, we have now developed courses that have great social relevance in Sweden and the world. Links to interesting and important research conducted at LiU and other universities. The courses are given within the Politices candidate's programme, but are also offered as independent courses.

Interest in political science and analysis is increasing, which can be seen in the student's reactions:

Male teacher in front of students.
Khalid Khayati teaching international relations.Photo credit: Ulrik Svedin
- It is often an aha experience for the students. They get a new understanding of political analysis and connections that they didn't get before, says Albin Algotson.

One of the new courses "State Building and Democratisation in Africa and the Middle East" (7.5 credits) can be applied for in the autumn semester 2024. It is a single subject course that deals with Africa and the Middle East from a range of historical and political perspectives: State building and democratisation, political economy, foreign policy administration, internal and intergovernmental conflicts, the role of great powers and migration and refugee movements.

- Political events in Africa and the Middle East have a major impact on other international issues as well as on the entire international community, says Khalid Kayathi, university lecturer and one of the course leaders,

Khalid Kayathi points out that the courses can provide knowledge that is important for understanding what is happening in the world.

- An example could be how climate crises and conflicts lead to popular movements in the southern Sahara, which later influence political decisions in the Nordics, or in the Middle East, he adds.

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