24 June 2024

Civil emergency responders (CIP) are volunteers who, according to an agreement with the rescue service and after training, are alerted for a first response in the event of, for example, fires, traffic accidents and cardiac arrest. The alerting, how it takes place and what information it contains is central.

Picture of Anna Follin and the app.
Anna Follin and the app.

Anna Follin has written a master's thesis on the subject which is now published in report form by CARER:
- My report describes a user-centered study about the digital tools that civilian response personnel (CIP) in Sweden use today, as well as presenting a design proposal for a unified system from a UX design perspective, says Anna.

The CIP concept is now being introduced by many rescue services in the country and the development of user-friendly alerting is of great importance going forward.

Frivilliga hjältar i fokus – En studie om civila insatspersoners användarupplevelse av applikationer och hur deras deltagande i räddningstjänstens
arbete kan underlättas genom UX-design.


Anna Follin: annafollin@live.com

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