11 April 2018

The international design and furnishing event Salone de Mobile is considered to be the most important of its type in the world. This year’s event takes place 17-22 April, and Malmstens Linköping University will be there. In the 16th century monastery Chiostro Della Umiliate, the students will exhibit innovative furniture for modern times.

For six days starting on 17 April, the Milan Fairgrounds at Rho will be a meeting place where thousands of exhibitors present the latest within design, furniture, interior design and architecture.
IRIS  Journeyman’s Piece (gesällprov) Karl Sundsgård and Lina Frick MeijerIRIS Journeyman’s Piece, Karl Sundsgård and Lina Frick Meijer Photo credit: Johan Westin
Malmstens Linköping University will be there this year, exhibiting together with Konstfack (Sweden's largest fine arts university college) in a 16th century monastery. Against the background of these historical surroundings, visitors will see and experience student innovation and creativity.

Ten innovative items

Twelve students represent programmes given at Malmstens in furniture design, cabinetmaking and furniture upholstery. Ten innovative items will be exhibited, and in most cases the design and professional execution are the result of collaboration between students from different programmes.

“The furniture created by the students shows how traditional handcrafts can be developed to something new and contemporary,” says Ulf Brunne, head of division at Malmstens Linköping University, which is based on the university campus at Lidingö in Stockholm.

The three-year programmes focus on quality, sustainability and contemporary requirements, while imparting knowledge about the history of handcrafts and furniture.

14 different shades of blue

Vattenfall by Björn Sundelin and Ottar Gjendahl SörensenVattenfall, Björn Sundelin and Ottar Gjendahl Sörensen Photo credit: Johan Westin Björn Sundelin, studying furniture design, and Ottar Gjendahl Sörensen, studying cabinetmaking, are responsible for one of the pieces in the exhibition, Vattenfall (“Waterfall”). They have combined Swedish pine, oak, 14 different shades of blue veneer and golden maple.

“It symbolises the quest for the unknown,” is how the students explain their intentions.

A waterfall invites you to explore what lies behind it. The thin blue veneer panels of the piece can be adjusted individually, and thus the expressions that Vattenfall can be given are limitless.

Malmstens has its roots in the school for cabinetmaking set up by Swedish furniture designer Carl Malmsten. After being incorporated with Linköping University, the division now offers three bachelor programmes: furniture design, cabinetmaking and furniture upholstery.

Translation: George Farrants

Malmstens building in winter

Campus Lidingö

Linköping University offers three furniture programmes on Campus Lidingö, Malmstens Linköping University. The campus is located on the island of Lidingö just outside central Stockholm.

Byggmästare John Mattson Library

Byggmästare John Mattson Library

The Library at Malmstens Linköping University, Campus Lidingö in Stockholm, provides books and periodicals on furniture, wood, textiles, art, design and cultural heritage.

Man works with wood

The Malmstens programme changed Sebastián's life

People around me said it was impossible. And my portfolio has to be the ugliest they'd seen. But I was accepted into the Malmstens cabinetmaking programme, on Lidingö.

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