22 September 2023

A new collaboration between LiU and the Faculty of Science in Sfax, Tunisia, will enable mobility and exchange for PhD students and teachers between both organisations. This collaboration takes place within the thematic of materials science and engineering.

Swedish flag, Tunisian flag, EU-flag and logos.

The collaboration is part of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) that enables collaborations with institutions in non-European countries and encompasses mobilities in both directions.
The program contributes to global cooperation in higher education and skills development at the coordinating institution in Sweden and partner organisations in non-European countries.

This project is between the Division of Engineering Materials (KMAT) from the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University (LiU), and the Laboratory of Material Science and Environment (LMSE) from the Chemical Department at Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (FSS), Tunisia.

The total budget of the project is around SEK 870 000 (in today´s Euro exchange rate) which will cover the mobility cost of researchers. A total of 12 mobilities will be carried out for incoming and outcoming teachers and PhD students between both organisations.

This Erasmus plus mobility project focuses on the thematic of Material Science and Engineering and more specifically it focuses on the following topic: Sustainable materials based on natural fibers for solar-Thermal Desalination (STD). This topic will be investigated by Ph.D. students that will work between the two institutions.

- LiU and FSS research in these areas will be developed more effectively through their collaboration. Both universities consider mobility and exchanges as an enabling initiative to consolidate long-standing and mutually beneficial transatlantic relations to help promote the international level of their education and research programs, says Mohamed Sahbi Loukil, Senior Associate Professor in the Division of Engineering Materials (KMAT) at Linköping University.

For more information about this project, please contact: Mohamed Loukil

For more information about ICM, please contact: Mårten Rosander


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