Contact and organisation


The steering committee

The steering committee governs WCMM at LiU. The committee's competence spans a wide range of scientific areas.

WCMM has a joint steering group with DDLS and SciLifeLab Linköping.

Members of the steering committee


The directors of WCMM and SciLifeLab Linköping as well as the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation's (KAW) observer with the right to attend and speak are co-opted to the steering group.

  • David Engblom as director of WCMM and DDLS
  • Fredik Elinder as director of SciLifeLab Linköping

Scientific Advisory Board

The major task of the Scientific Advisory Board at WCMM is to provide guidance regarding international recruitments and aid in evaluations of recruited scientists, together with the respective faculties’ recruitment and promotion committees.

For more information about each member of the board, click on the arrow button (external link).

Members of the Scientific Advisory Board

Gabriel Krestin


Department of Radiology at Erasmus MC

  • University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands

Erik Schkommodau


Institute for Medical and Analytical Technologies, Basel, Switzerland

  • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences. Institute for Medical and Analytical Technologies, Basel, Switzerland

Janos Vörös


Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland

  • ETH Zurich