Fotografi av Indre Genelyte

Indre Genelyte

Biträdande universitetslektor

Arbetskraftsmigration från de baltiska staterna 

Indre Genelytes doktorandprojekt fokuserar på arbetskraftsmigration från de baltiska staterna och dess inverkan på arbetsmarknader i de mottagande skandinaviska länderna.

Indre kom till REMESO på våren 2011. Hon har studerat vid Vilnius Universitet (Litauen) och har en BA i Socialt Arbete och en Master i Socialt arbete och socialpolitik.

Hon fick ett bidrag från Litauens forskningsråd och skrev rapporten "Old Age Pensioners’ Living Standards Development in 1999-2008", som publicerats i den referee-granskade tidskriften "Gerontologija", 11(3), 2010. Hennes MA-uppsats är en uppsats med titeln  "Poverty and Social Exclusion in European Union, Welfare State" (MA-uppsats, 2011).



Indre Genelyte, Cristina Joy Torgé, Lina Homman (2024) Resilient workers and resilient markets - lessons from the work life courses


Indre Genelyte, Cristina Joy Torgé, Lina Homman (2023) Resilient Workers and Resilient Markets: Lessons from the Work Life Courses of Older Workers
Nehle Penning, Rachel Crossdale, Indre Genelyte, Natalia Krygowska-Nowak, Anna Urbaniak, Jolanta Perek-Białas, Monika Reichert (2023) EIWO's methodological approaches: A field report of the qualitative interviews in EIWO project III


Indre Genelyte, Annika Heuer, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel (2021) Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life: National Country Context: Sweden


Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Jolanta Perek-Bialas, Indre Genelyte, Susanne Kelfve (2020) Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life - On the Gendered Risks for Old-Age Exclusion in Sweden and Poland Conference of the Gerontological Society of America (Konferensbidrag)


Indre Genelyte (2019) (Ine)quality of life: Lithuanian labor migration to Sweden during the economic crisis and its aftermath, 2008-2013 Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. 50, s. 79-104 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Indre Genelyte (2018) Lost in Mobility?: Labour Migration from Baltic Lithuania to Sweden


Indre Genelyte (2016) Policy Response to Emigration from the Baltics: Confronting 'The European Elephant in the Room' Labour Mobility in the Enlarged Single European Market, s. 45-72 (Kapitel i bok, del av antologi)


Indre Genelyte, Cristina Joy Torgé, Lina Homman (2024) Resilient workers and resilient markets - lessons from the work life courses


Indre Genelyte, Cristina Joy Torgé, Lina Homman (2023) Resilient Workers and Resilient Markets: Lessons from the Work Life Courses of Older Workers
Nehle Penning, Rachel Crossdale, Indre Genelyte, Natalia Krygowska-Nowak, Anna Urbaniak, Jolanta Perek-Białas, Monika Reichert (2023) EIWO's methodological approaches: A field report of the qualitative interviews in EIWO project III


Indre Genelyte, Annika Heuer, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel (2021) Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life: National Country Context: Sweden


Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Jolanta Perek-Bialas, Indre Genelyte, Susanne Kelfve (2020) Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life - On the Gendered Risks for Old-Age Exclusion in Sweden and Poland Conference of the Gerontological Society of America (Konferensbidrag)



