Den 13 - 14 Juni 2022 hölls en festival på Campus Norrköping av forskningsprojektet "Hållbarhet kräver inkludering".

En bild som visar ett koncept där en park med ett mysigt kafé ligger bredvid nära Kungsgatan i Norrköping. Foto Image was created by Dong Wang, Malin Müller, Matilda Wallén, Mina Mani & Solith af Malmborg

Festivalen hölls under två dagar på Campus Norrköping med presentationer, föreläsningar, aktiviteter, tid att nätverka, diskussioner och mycket mer. Det hela organiserades kring sessioner med inspirerande talare.

Festivalen markerade den avslutande fasen av ett forskningsprojekt där ett team av forskare vid Linköpings universitet har haft ett utbyte med medborgare, tekniska utvecklare och andra aktörer runt en testplats för en ”smart stad” i Norrköping. Tanken var att sammanföra olika behov och visioner för staden.

Den avslutande festivalen syftade till att skapa dialog mellan medborgare, forskare och andra intressenter genom ett livligt och engagerande program med evenemang fokuserade kring teman som medborgarvetenskap och urban gardening.

Mer information om forskningsprojektet finns på dess hemsida.

Confirmed speakers

Lauren Klein, Winship Distinguished Research Professor and Associate Professor, Departments of English and Quantitative Theory & Methods, Emory University

Modan Akbarnazim, Architect, Planner and Process Manager with specialization in Regeneration and Development

Ramon Ribera Fumaz, Lead researcher, Urban Transformation and global change laboratory (TURBA), Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Linda Gustafsson, gender equality strategist and coordinator for the municipality's commission for social sustainability, Umeå

Theo Tryfonas, Professor of Infrastructure Systems & Urban Innovation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol


The program is available as a pdf. Please contact and we will send you a copy.

13 June

08.45-09:00 Conference introduction and welcome

09:00-10:00 Keynote: "Sense (and) the City: From grassroots IoT sensors and city-fostered Open Data to Urban Observatories"
Theo Tryfonas, Professor of Infrastructure Systems & Urban Innovation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol. Digitalization and the Internet of Things help cities to improve services, increase productivity and reduce costs. Just as citizens can monitor their heart rate or their blood pressure to understand their fitness levels and identify potential worrying signs, city-scale monitoring of traffic and pollution enables a city to develop insights into low air quality areas and consider improvement measures. As the IoT has become an integral part of life, it provides a platform for the interconnection of everyday objects and the generation of volumes of data. With relatively simple technologies cities and citizens alike are able to sense their environment, e.g., to monitor air quality and pollution in their immediate environment. With caveats about privacy and accuracy, these data sets can complement data that city authorities collect at city scale for validating or improving policies. In this talk, we present examples of sensing capabilities in urban environments from citizen to city scale and discuss the potential role of emerging socio-technical infrastructures such as Urban Observatories (UO), i.e., independent, open, and transparent entities that facilitate the collection and curation of grassroots data as well as stakeholder engagement. We demonstrate how Urban Observatories can become a conduit for alignment of community- and city-level action by referring to a number of city-sensing case studies from the city of Bristol, UK, host of one of six UK Collaboratorium’s for Research in Infrastructure and Cities (UKCRIC) UOs.

10:00-10:30 Fika and mingle

10:30-12:00 Workshop: "Smart City and Digital Sovereignty" (part 1)
Desirée Enlund. While data about us and our movements in the city is collected on a massive scale, the issues that come with this remains invisible and intangible. How can we make data more visible? How can digital politics become more tangible? How can we develop a notion of digital sovereignty for and by citizens in the smart city? This session opens a discussion around the collection of citizens’ data in smart cities and how we can regain control of our own data.

10:30-12:00 Fallstudie: "Erfarenheter från Umeå" (på Zoom)
Linda Gustafsson, Jämställdhetstrateg, Umeå kommun. Hur kan vi i städer systematiskt arbeta in ett perspektiv av makt och kön när nya tekniska och digitala innovationer tas fram och implementeras?

12:00-13:30 Lunch break (a selection of restaurants can be found below)

13:30-14:30 Keynote: "Who is participating in whose process?"
Modan Akbarnazim, Architect, Planner and Process Manager with specialization in Regeneration and Development. Participation is often misused to exclude or manipulate the voices. The keynote explores knowledge alliances as the method of citizen participation in the city planning process. How do we balance the invisible voices with those of influential actors? How does co-creation play a central role in the joint ownership of the citizen dialogue? The keynote gives practical examples from the Amiralsstaden project in Malmö.

14:30-15:00 Fika and mingle

15:00-16:30 Workshop: "Smart City and Digital Sovereignty" (part 2)
Desirée Enlund. Closed session.

15:00-16:30 Workshop: Making Smart City Apps More Inclusive – come and test drive a new prototype app!
Theo Tryfonas, Vangelis Angelakis. Route planning in popular map applications, such as google maps, assumes the user is a generic walking user, a cyclist, or someone who uses some form of motorized transportation. The paths designed tend to ignore individual needs such as tolerance to noise, pollution, inability to use stairs or go over cobbles, etc. We have prototyped an app which allows users to input the individual experience of a route. In this workshop, 12 phones with a pre-installed individual path planning app will be handed out to 12 pairs of citizens. Each pair will have 45 mins to stroll the city, and feedback their perception of the city streets to the app, before returning to the workshop for discussion. (Only 24 places – please register on site by 12noon on Monday 13 June).

17:00-19:30 Stadsodling i Hageby
Arrangeras av Portalen Hageby. Är du intresserad av stadsodling? Kom då till Hageby för att se den nya odlingsplatsen i staden som byggs av kvarteret själva! Deltagarna kommer att träffa Hagebyborna, lära sig mer om hur de planerar att odla mat, kanske även göra lite stadsodlingsarbete tillsammans och fika. Evenemanget är kostnadsfritt och buss ordnas för resa till och från Hageby. Glöm inte att anmäla dig, vi ser fram emot att träffa dig! (Endast 12 platser med möjlighet att registrera sig på plats under festivalen.)

14 June

09:00-10:00 Keynote: "The smart city is dead. Long live to the right to the city!"
Ramon Ribera Fumaz, Urban Transformation and global change laboratory, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Based on the last decade’s experience with smart technologies in Barcelona. I will argue that the Smart City, as a socio-technological paradigm is dead and this is a good thing. This opens to rethinking & repoliticise the Digital City without falling on technological solutionism.

10:00-10:30 Fika and mingle

10:30-12:00 Cities 5.0 – panel discussion: “The role of the citizens in designing sustainable urban transport solutions.”

  • Vangelis Angelakis, LiU
  • Desiree Enlund, LiU
  • Tina Neset, LiU
  • Alessandro Bassi, THINGS
  • Theo Tryfonas, University of Bristol
  • Hans Skov-Petersen, University of Copenhagen

10:30-12:00 Work in progress session: Infrastructuring
Researchers present current work on the infrastructuring of sustainable and inclusive cities. Following the short presentations, there is a plenary discussion on salient topics.

  • Gail Ramster: The Engaged project for accessible public toilets in the UK.
  • Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou: The vicious circle of familism in care and housing in Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Eva Grigoriadou: Feminist perspectives on urban development in Greece.

12:00-13:30 Lunch break (a selection of restaurants can be found below)

13:30-14:30 Keynote: "What is Data Feminism?"
Lauren F. Klein, Departments of English and Quantitative Theory & Methods, Emory University. As data are increasingly mobilized in the service of governments and corporations, their unequal conditions of production, asymmetrical methods of application, and unequal effects on both individuals and groups have become increasingly difficult for data scientists – and others who rely on data in their work – to ignore. But it is precisely this power that makes it worth asking: “Data science by whom? Data science for whom? Data science, with whose interests in mind?”
These are some questions that emerge from what D’Ignazio and Klein call data feminism: a way of thinking about data science and its communication that is informed by the past several decades of intersectional feminist activism and critical thought. This talk will draw on insights from their collaboratively crafted book about how challenges to the male/female binary can challenge other hierarchical (and empirically wrong) classification systems; how an understanding of emotion can expand our ideas about effective data visualization; and how the concept of “invisible labor” can expose the significant human efforts required by our automated systems. Together, they show how feminist thinking be operationalized into more ethical and equitable data practices.

14:30-15:00 Fika and mingle

15:00-16:30 Workshop: "Sensory experience of sustainable spaces"
Modan Akbarnazim and Veronica Wiman. How would we live in a sustainable city? What will be sensory experiences be in the spaces? How to activate senses to experience sustainable spaces? How would our bodily senses experience the sustainable spaces? Only 20 participants – please register on site.

15:00-16:30 Work in progress session: Participation
Researchers present current work on participation in sustainable and inclusive cities. Following the short presentations, there is a plenary discussion on salient topics.

  • Julia Iunes: How can participation be institutionalized in smart city development?
  • Indira Knight: As participation changes, do we need to redefine participatory design and citizen engagement to increase inclusivity?
  • Sofia Lundmark & Romina Rodela: Planning with youth.
  • Hiska Ubels & Alina Östling: Engaging citizens in smart city development.
  • Savannah Vize: A co-design inquiry into the playful potential of sustainable action.

(Italic means that the activity will be held in Swedish.)

Selection of restaurants and cafés in Norrköping

A selection of restaurants and cafés in Norrköping

We have compiled a list of some restaurants and cafes close to the Norrköping campus. Please double check the opening hours.

Skrymslet under trappan - Bredgatan 3, 602 21 Norrköping

“Visualiseringscenter cafe and restaurant” - Kungsgatan 54, 602 33 Norrköping

“Kina Thai” - Södra Grytsgatan 5, 02 33 Norrköping

Fräcka Fröken - Kungsgatan 43, 602 20 Norrköping

“Mocca deli” - Tunnbindaregatan 3, 602 21 Norrköping

Sushi Yama - Kungsgatan 32, 602 20 Norrköping

“Louis De Geer Konsert & Kongress”, Dalsgatan 15, 602 32 Norrköping

"Lottas Konditori & Bageri" Smedjegatan 26, 602 47 Norrköping

"Paradis Du Liban" Kungsgatan 69, 602 33 Norrköping

Call for papers

Call for papers
