The Historical Studies Research Environment

“La curiosité”, Abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques (c. 1100). Photographer: Wikimedia Commons

In our research environment, we conduct research on humans as meaning-making beings in a historical perspective. We are driven by a curiosity about how people have thought, felt and acted throughout history and how these thoughts have been translated into actions, texts, images and artefacts, and how these are understood and used today.

Historical Studies contributes with knowledge about worldviews, traditions, creative processes, and ideologies in a broad, historical perspective. Perspectives and methods are primarily inspired by cultural history, text analysis, and image analysis, but our research also encompasses political, economic, technological and social changes and processes in human history, the present and the future.

The researchers come from various disciplines, mainly those subjects that constitute the Division of History, Arts, and Religious Studies, but subject didactics and education research is also represented in our environment.

We meet regularly at the joint Higher Seminar for Historical Studies, where ample space is provided for our doctoral students in the history programme, but also senior scholars, to present thesis chapters, drafts, or articles. Within the research environment there are also specialised seminars, run by existing research networks or ongoing collaborative projects.

Our research expertise covers fields such as medieval and early modern history; cultural and emotional history; church and religious history; art and architectural history; modern history; media and communication history; history of science and medicine; and history didactics and history of education. The research environment also houses the Centre for Local History.

We collaborate with the National Graduate School of Historical Studies and locally with Tema Q, Tema Barn, Didaktik i samhällsämnena (DISA) and other environments at IKOS and LiU. Our environment is supported by the Tranås Säteri Foundation and the Catharina Högbom and Michael Cocozza Foundation for research and cultural purposes in Linköping municipality.

Research in History, Art History and Religious Studies 

Seminars, conferences and events

A research arena for Historical studies

The Historical Studies research environment is held together by a departmental higher seminar, which is an arena to present and discuss current research in the field.

We have working seminars, where PhD students and researchers present dissertation chapters and other ongoing projects to receive feedback, but we also organise open seminars, usually with invited guests. These seminars are open to all interested.

If you would like more information about our seminars or to sign up for our mailing list, please contact our seminar co-ordinator Maria Björkman.

Doctoral studies

Doctoral education consists of two or four years of full-time studies and is carried out in close relation with researchers at Historical Studies and affiliated researchers with the goal of training doctoral students to be advanced independent researchers.


