
Karin Bertills


Forskningsintresset handlar om högstadieelevers upplevelse av självtillit, delaktighet och fungerande i skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Särskilt intresserad är jag av hur elever med funktionsnedsättning kan få likvärdiga möjligheter till delaktighet och utbildning. Jag har omfattande undervisningserfarenhet inom grundskola, gymnasium och lärarutbildning. För närvarande undervisar jag i idrott och hälsa inom grundlärarutbildning.



Karin Bertills, Helene Elvstrand, Lina Lago (2024) Praktiknära forskning och skolutveckling - en modell för samverkan Venue, Vol. 26 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Lina Lago, Karin Bertills, Helene Elvstrand (2024) Mina tillgängliga vuxna: Gästredaktionell introduktion Venue, Vol. 27 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Karin Bertills, Therése Vallthell, Malin Svensson Legnemark (2024) "Jag ser inte syftet med att ha idrott faktiskt": Elevers tankar om idrottsundervisningen på gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram Idrott & hälsa, Vol. 6, s. 6-7 (Artikel i tidskrift)
Karin Bertills, Maria Yngvesson (2024) "Det finns nycklar till alla!": Om idrottslärares arbete på anpassad grundskola Idrott & hälsa, Vol. 6, s. 8-9 (Artikel i tidskrift)
Karin Bertills, Maria Björk (2024) Facilitating regular Physical Education for students with disability-PE teachers' views Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Vol. 6, Artikel 1400192 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Referee-bedömda artiklar

Bertills, K., Granlund, M., & Augustine, L. (2018a). Measuring self-efficacy, aptitude to participate and functioning in students with and without impairments. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-12. doi:10.1080/08856257.2017.1386316

Bertills, K., Granlund, M., & Augustine, L. (2019). Inclusive Teaching Skills and Student Engagement in Physical Education. Frontiers in Education, 4(74) doi:10.3389/feduc.2019.00074

Bertills, K., Granlund, M., Dahlström, Ö., & Augustine, L. (2018b). Relationships between physical education (PE) teaching and student self-efficacy, aptitude to participate in PE and functional skills: with a special focus on students with disabilities. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 23(4), 387-401. doi:10.1080/17408989.2018.1441394

Bertills, K., Granlund, M., & Augustine, L. (2021). Student Self-Efficacy and Aptitude to Participate in Relation to Perceived Functioning and Achievement in Students in Secondary School With and Without Disabilities. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 607329-607329. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.607329

Bjursell, C., Ahl, H., Almgren, S., Berglez, P., Bergström, J., Bertills, K., Bäcklund, J., Dybelius, A., Florin Sädbom, R., Gustafsson, M., Hammarsten, M., Heuman, J., Segolsson, M., & Öhman, C. (2022). Lifelong learning through context collapse: higher education teachers’ narratives about online education during the pandemic. INTED2022 Proceedings, 2632-2641


Bertills, K. (2022). Looking outside the box: Sweden, structured interview. In M. Veber, P. Gollub, S. Greiten, & T. Schkade (Eds.), Umgang mit Heterogenität und Inklusion – Chancen und Herausforderungen für die schulpraktische Prefessionalisierung. Julius Klinkhardt

Bertills, K. (2023). Inclusion of children with physical restrictions in out-of-the classroom activities. In H. Santoshi, B. Rashida, & D. Shakila (Eds.), Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: Issues, considerations, and strategies. Handbook for Special Needs Education to Teachers in Inclusive Classrooms: Taylor & Francis

Referee-bedömda konferensbidrag

Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR), 2017. Muntlig presentation av Quality teaching and student perceived self-efficacy, function and aptitude to participate in PE.
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AEISEP), 2017. Poster-presentation av Quality teaching and student perceived self-efficacy, function and aptitude to participate in PE

International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education AIESEP, 2018. Muntlig presentation av Student engagement and high-quality teaching in PE.
The CAPA 2020 Symposium “Capturing the magic – participation for all“ celebrating the 50th anniversary of Beitostølen Healthsports Center. Oral presentation Inclusive Physical Education (PE) environments – PE teachers’ views on how they facilitate participation for students with disabilities

The CAPA 2022 Symposium “Capturing the magic – participation for all“, Beitostølen. Oral presentation Inclusive Physical Education (PE) environments – PE teachers’ views on how they facilitate participation for students with disabilities


Bertills, K. (2019). Different is Cool! Self-efficacy and participation of students with and without disabilities in school-based Physical Education. (Dissertation). School of Education and Communication, Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Jönköping University

Populärvetenskapliga artiklar

Bertills, K. (2020a). "Funka olika är coolt!"

Bertills, K. (2020b). Får jag också vara med? Idrott & Hälsa, 2020(1)

Bertills, K. (2023a). Att anpassa idrottsundervisningen – Hur ska vi göra för att du ska kunna vara med? Idrott & hälsa(1), 7-8



