Fotografi av Károly Takács

Károly Takács


Mitt forskningsintresse är den teoretiska, experimentella och empiriska analysen av dynamiken i sociala nätverk i relation till samarbetsproblem och konflikter.


För närvarande driver jag ERC-finansierade projektet EVILTONGUE om vilken roll skvaller och rykten har för att upprätthålla samarbete och sociala normer. 

Mer information om mig och min forskning finns också på min engelska medarbetarsida:


Akademiska arbeten

Nyligen publicerade artiklar

Ofta citerade arbeten

  • Mäs, M., Flache, A., Takács, K., and Jehn, K. A. 2013. In the Short Term We Divide, in the Long Term We Unite: Demographic Crisscrossing and the Effects of Faultlines on Subgroup Polarization. Organization Science, 24: 716-736.
  • Takács, K., Flache, A., and Mäs, M. 2016. Discrepancy and Disliking Do Not Induce Negative Opinion Shifts. PLOS One, 11(6): e0157948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157948
  • Squazzoni, F., Bravo, G., and Takács, K. 2013. Does Incentive Provision Increase the Quality of Peer Review? An Experimental Study. Research Policy, 42(1): 287-294.

Nyligen publicerade bokbidrag

  • Kisfalusi, D.; Takács, K., and Pál, J. 2019. Gossip and Reputation in Adolescent Networks. In: Giardini, F. and Wittek, R.P.M. (eds.): Oxford Handbook on Gossip and Reputation, Oxford University Press, 359-379.
  • Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2017. Parallel versus Sequential Update and the Evolution of Cooperation with the Assistance of Emotional Strategies. In: Cordier, S., Ertur, C., Debarsy, N., Lucas, D., Nemo, F., Poisson, G., and Vrain, C. (eds.): Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems: Toward a Science of Interaction, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 65-86.
  • Takács, K., Squazzoni, F., Bravo, G., and Castellani, M. 2014. Employer Networks, Priming, and Discrimination in Hiring: An Experiment. In: Manzo, G. (ed.): Analytical Sociology: Norms, Actions, and Networks. Wiley & Son, 373-396.



Robert Pethes, Eliza Bodor-Eranus, Károly Takács, Levente Kovacs (2024) The Core Might Change Anyhow We Define It: The Instability of Key Actors in Longitudinal Social Network Data Complexity, Vol. 2024, Artikel 3956877 Vidare till DOI


Francesca Pancotto, Simone Righi, Károly Takács (2023) Voluntary play increases cooperation in the presence of punishment: a lab in the field experiment Theory and Decision, Vol. 95, s. 405-428 Vidare till DOI
Marta Rado, Dorottya Kisfalusi, Anthony A. Laverty, Frank J. van Lenthe, Jasper V. Been, Károly Takács (2023) Socio-economic inequalities in smoking and drinking in adolescence: Assessment of social network dynamics Addiction Vidare till DOI


Boroka Timea Papay, Balint Gyorgy Kubik, Julia Galantai, Károly Takács (2022) Gossip is distinct from other topics in spontaneous conversation INTERSECTIONS-EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND POLITICS, Vol. 8, s. 149-178 Vidare till DOI
Károly Takács (2022) A Reputation-Centered Theory of Human Cooperation and Social Organization Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate, Vol. 16, s. 11-51 Vidare till DOI
Szabolcs Számadó, Flóra Samu, Károly Takács (2022) Condition-dependent trade-offs maintain honest signalling Royal Society Open Science, Vol. 9, Artikel 220335 Vidare till DOI
José Luis Estévez Navarro, Károly Takács (2022) Brokering or Sitting Between Two Chairs?: A Group Perspective on Workplace Gossip Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13, Artikel 815383 Vidare till DOI
Simone Righi, Károly Takács (2022) Gossip: Perspective Taking to Establish Cooperation Dynamic Games and Applications, Vol. 12, s. 1086-1100 Vidare till DOI
Francesca Giardini, Daniel Balliet, Eleanor A. Power, Szabolcs Szamado, Károly Takács (2022) Four Puzzles of Reputation-Based Cooperation Content, Process, Honesty, and Structure Human Nature, Vol. 33, s. 43-61 Vidare till DOI
José Luis Estévez, Dorottya Kisfalusi, Károly Takács (2022) More than one's negative ties: The role of friends' antipathies in high school gossip Social Networks, Vol. 70, s. 77-89 Vidare till DOI


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