Photo of Peter Hedström

Peter Hedström


Peter Hedström is Professor of Analytical Sociology and the Founder of the Institute for Analytical Sociology. He also is Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College in Oxford.

The development of analytical sociology

My research focus on social networks and their role in explaining various social phenomena. The methodology of the social sciences is another area of interest, and I have been one of the driving forces behind the development of analytical sociology.

During the last few years, much of my research has focused on segregation processes. This research has been funded by grants from the European Research Council, the Swedish Research Council, and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

I received my PhD in Sociology at Harvard University. Before joining IAS I have held professor positions at the University of Chicago, Stockholm University, University of Oxford, Singapore Management University, and NYU Abu Dhabi. I am a fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.




Benjamin Jarvis, Marc Keuschnigg, Peter Hedström (2022) Analytical sociology amidst a computational social science revolution Handbook of Computational Social Science, Volume 1, p. 33-52 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI


Peter Hedström (2021) The past and future of analytical sociology Research Handbook on Analytical Sociology, p. 490-505 (Chapter in book)
Martin Arvidsson, F. Collet, Peter Hedström (2021) The Trojan-horse mechanism: How networks reduce gender segregation Science Advances, Vol. 7, Article eabf6730 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Three frequently cited works

  •  P. Hedström Dissecting the Social: On the Principles of Analytical Sociology. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  •  P Hedström and R. Swedberg (eds.) Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  •  “Contagious collectivities: On the spatial diffusion of Swedish trade unions, 1890–1940.” American Journal of Sociology 99(5): 1157–1179, 1994.


People chatting in the library.

Kickoff Conference for SweCSS

On 15 April, a kickoff conference for the Swedish Center of Excellence for Computational Social Science (SweCSS) was held at the Museum of Work in Norrköping. The event gathered around 30 researchers from Linköping University.

Autumn at the Campus Valla and bikes.

Research at IEI holds a high standard

Stanford University has recently released an updated list of the top two percent most cited researchers globally, and it is gratifying to note that once again, several distinguished researchers from IEI are represented on the list.

Graphic illustration.

IEI researchers among the world´s most cited

Stanford University has recently published an update of the list of the two percent most cited scientists in the world. And again several researchers at IEI are on the list.

