Forskargrupper med projekt inom East Transport


Här finns en sammanställning (på engelska) över aktuella forskningsprojekt inom East Transport. 

Simulation and analysis of road traffic systems – VTI

(Part of the Traffic Analysis and Logistics (TAL) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is about developing and applying simulation-based and analytical methods for empirical studies of effects on traffic performance of different road measures.

• Coordinator of the group is Johan Olstam, Research leader,, 013 – 20 41 82. In total, the group consists of four researchers, two research engineers and one PhD student.

Transportation and logistics – VTI

(Part of the Traffic Analysis and Logistics (TAL) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is about transportation and logistics, with a focus on sustainable freight transport and urban freight. Methods commonly used are freight models, other quantitative models for transportation and logistics planning and analyses and case studies.

• Coordinator of the group is Jenny Karlsson, Researcher and Research leader,, 0708 – 19 59 44. In total, the group consists of three researchers, two research engineers and one PhD student.

Transport modelling at system level – VTI

(Part of the Traffic Analysis and Logistics (TAL) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is about transport models at system level, including demand models for car ownership, trip generation, mode, destination and route choice (typically discrete choice models) and supply models for assignment of the demand to the network.

• Coordinator of the group is Ida Kristoffersson, Researcher, , 08-518 388 11. The group consists of four researchers.

Problems and possibilities regarding public procurement of bus traffic – VTI

(Part of the Traffic Analysis and Logistics (TAL) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is about different kinds of problems connected to the public procurement of bus traffic, such as increasing costs. The problem with the steep peak curve is also considered, as well as the effects of different conditions in different procurements areas.

• Coordinator of the group is Helene Lidestam, associate professor LiU and VTI, 0736-209578. The group consists of one associate professor, one assistant professor and one PhD student.

Planning and decision-making processes – VTI

(Part of the Mobility, Actors and Planning Processes (MAP) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area concerns how decision-making and planning processes at various levels of society affect the development and transition of the transport system.

• The group consists of nine full time researchers and three PhD students.
Planning and decision-making processes

Mobility, participation and social justice – VTI

(Part of the Mobility, Actors and Planning Processes (MAP) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area concerns social sustainability with a focus on mobility, accessibility and justice. Research interests include everyday practices, conditions, rights and premises with respect to mobility, and accessibility related to questions on justice and welfare.

• Coordinator of the group is Lena Levin, and the group consists of four researchers and two PhD students. E-mail to the researchers: Lena Levin,; Jessica Berg,; Malin Henriksson,; Anna Wallsten,
Mobility, participation and social justice

Traffic and transport psychology – VTI

(Part of the Mobility, Actors and Planning Processes (MAP) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is organized in five broad areas: road crashes and human factors, motivational, affective and cognitive characteristics, driver training, sustainable transport and road safety communication campaigns.

• Coordinator of the group is Sonja Forward, researcher,, 013-20 41 33. The group consists of five researchers.

Air quality Group – VTI

(Part of the Environment (MILJÖ) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• This research area is about road dust, non-exhaust emissions and air quality. Methods used are emissions, properties, effects and abatement methods.

• Coordinator of the group is Mats Gustafsson, researcher,, 013- 20 43 26, and the group consists of three researchers, two PhD students and one research assistant.

Contract analysis of the transport sector – VTI

(Part of the Transport Economics (TEK) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• The core question of this research field is to design an optimal contract to find the most efficient outcome (in terms of cost and quality) with regards to the specific circumstances of each project.

• The group consists of four researchers and two PhD students.

Traffic safety and traffic system – VTI

(Traffic Safety and Traffic System (TST) unit, Department of Traffic and Road Users (TRAF))

• The objective of this research group is to generate knowledge that contributes to reduced risk of lost life and health in the transport system for all road user groups, evaluate traffic safety measures (e.g. speed cameras), develop risk models for different road users (cyclists, older drivers, etc.) and conditions (alcohol- and drug-impaired drivers, speeding, etc.), and finally to develop statistical and biomechanical models by using register-based studies and observational studies.

• Coordinator of the group is Astrid Linder, research director,, 070-828 64 68. The group consists of seven researchers, four research engineers and one PhD student.
Traffic safety

Freight transport and logistics – VTI

(Part of the Transport Economics (TEK) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• The focus of this group are qualified analyses, model development and research regarding industry transports, including cargo. A special focus area is sea transports. Research about modal shift and policy instruments and measures that can reduce emissions from maritime transports are examples of ongoing research projects within this area.

• Coordinator of the group is Inge Vierth, In total, the group consists of five researchers and one PhD student.

Transport economics – VTI

(Part of the Transport Economics (TEK) unit, Department of Society, Environment and Transport (SAMT))

• Research interests of this group include transport cost-benefit analysis, appraisal and sustainability, transport policy and pricing for all modes, distribution effects and equity, the econometrics for valuation of non-market goods such as travel time, reliability and security, the impact of the transport system on employment and productivity, the economics of cycling, gender differences, railway economics, survey design, choice experiments, gender differences, public opinions, transport modelling, travel behavior, active mobility and cycling.

• Coordinator of the group is Maria Börjesson, Professor, In total, the group consists of six researchers.
Transport economics

Driving simulation and visualization – VTI

(Driving Simulation and Visualization (SIM) unit, Department of Traffic and Road Users (TRAF))

• This research area is about achieving simulation environments to study traffic situations where it is essential to involve real people. The simulation environment then constitutes an “experience room” for the people involved.

• Coordinator of the group is Arne Nåbo, research director,, 031-750 26 17. In total, the group consists of twelve researchers and three PhD students.

Driver and vehicle – VTI

(Driver and Vehicle (FOF) unit, Department of Traffic and Road Users (TRAF))

• This research area is mainly studying the interaction between the human and the vehicle. Modelling, simulator studies, naturalistic studies and measurements are common.

• Coordinator of the group is Anders Lindström, Research Director,, 08555 365 09. In total, the group consists of twelve researchers and three PhD students.

Human factors in the transport system – VTI

(Human Factors in the Transport System (TIL) unit, Department of Traffic and Road Users (TRAF))

• This research area has a focus on drivers with and without impairment. Studies in the area concern how people read, interpret and interact with other people and with the infrastructure of the transport system. Current research issues concern attention, fatigue and stress of drivers and unprotected users of the transport system.

• Coordinator of the group is Anna Anund, Research Director,, 013-20 43 27. In total, the group consists of six researchers, two research leaders and two research assistants.

Infrastructure Maintenance – VTI

(Infrastructure Maintenance (DOU) unit, Department of Infrastructure (INFRA))

• This research area is about producing knowledge that can form the basis of efficient maintenance measures in road transport (car, bicycling, pedestrian), electric roads and railroads.

• Coordinator of the group is Leif Sjögren, Research Director, 013-204359. In total, the group consists of eleven researchers, two research engineers and one PhD student.

Road Materials – VTI

(Part of the Pavement Technology (VBA) unit, Department of Infrastructure (INFRA))

• This research area is about durability of road building materials and about development and characterization of bound (asphalt, cement concrete) and un-bound materials for road, pavement, airfields, harbours etc. to achieve the lowest life-cycle social costs.

• Coordinator of the group is Björn Kalman, Research Director, 013-204255. In total, the group consists of seven researchers, six research engineers and two PhD students.

Road construction and pavement design – VTI

(Part of the Pavement Technology (VBA) unit, Department of Infrastructure (INFRA))

• This research area is about developing mechanistic and empirical structural design models, applied to the area of road infrastructure. The area of application for this research group is road infrastructure and some areas of special interest are sensors for stresses and strains and moisture sensors.

• Coordinator of the group is Sigurdur Erlingsson, Professor,, 013-204123. In total, the group consists of four researchers, four research engineers and two PhD students.

Climate smart transport systems – LiU

(Part of the Logistics and Quality Management (LOGQ) division, Department of Management and Engineering (IEI))

• The research is about how logistics systems should be designed, managed and controlled to be more sustainable with less negative environmental as well as social impact as a result.

• Coordinator of the group is Maria Huge-Brodin, Professor Green logistics,, 013-28 15 33. Spec. for social aspects and city logistics: Maria Björklund, Associate professor,, 013-28 15 70. In total, the group consists of three core senior researchers and three partly involved senior researchers, three PhD students at LiU and one at another University.

Competitive and dynamic industry – LiU

(Part of the Logistics and Quality Management (LOGQ) division, Department of Management and Engineering (IEI))

• The research of this group is management-oriented research, where the strategic role of logistics or the quality function is highlighted: "How can a company compete with its logistics/quality services?"

• Coordinator of the group is Erik Sandberg, Associate professor,, 0736-121880. In total, the group consists of five-six core senior researchers and two PhD students.

Cognition & Interaction Lab – LiU

(Part of the Human-Centered Systems (HCS) division, Dept of Computer & Information Science (IDA))

• Research in the Cognition & Interaction Lab (COIN) focuses on people’s interaction with different types of technology, in particular interaction with different types of autonomous systems and AI: social robots, virtual agents, automated vehicles, and other complex systems.

• Coordinator of the group Tom Ziemke, Professor of Cognitive Systems,, 0705-44 14 44. In total, the group consists of 7-8 senior researchers: 2 full professors, 2 assistant professors, 1 postdoc, 1 adjunct professor, 1 adjunct assistant professor, 1 professor emeritus. FTE in transport research is currently small (<1). 5 Ph.D. students (of which 2 are employed by VTI)

Public Transport and Railway – LiU

(Part of the Communications and Transport System (KTS) division, Department of Science and Technology (ITN))

• The research group for public transport and railway develop computational support tools for good planning of railway traffic and public transport. The tools can be used for evaluating systems and making better decisions.

• Coordinator of the group is Anders Peterson, Associate professor in Traffic systems. • ; 011 –36 31 07. In total, the group consists of six core senior researchers and seven PhD students.
Public Transport and Railway

Traffic systems – LiU

(Part of the Communications and Transport System (KTS) division, Department of Science and Technology (ITN))

• The research group for traffic systems work with modelling of the transportation infrastructure and the people using the transportation system, as well as estimation of travel demand in urban areas, and simulation of traffic – both macroscopic models for planning and forecasting and microscopic models including modelling of detailed vehicle interactions.

• Coordinator of the group is Clas Rydergren, Associate professor,, 011363314. In total, the group consists of eight core senior researchers and two PhD students.

Emergency response and health care logistics – LiU

(Part of the Communications and Transport System (KTS) division, Department of Science and Technology (ITN))

• This research group develop models, methods, and decision support for the optimized management of emergency response and health care resources.

• Coordinator of the group is Tobias Andersson Granberg, Associate professor,, 011-363213. In total, the group consists of five core senior researchers and one PhD student.
Emergency respone and health care logistics

Air Traffic management, AEAR group – LiU

(Part of the Communications and Transport System (KTS) division, Department of Science and Technology (ITN))

• The research of this group is about multi-aviation airspace and capacity estimation and route planning for various kinds of air traffic, including but limited to: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), traffic management (UTM), urban air mobility (UAM), conventional air traffic management (ATM) and space2ground missions.

• Coordinator of the group is Valentin Polishchuk. The group consists of five senior researchers and two Ph.D. students. AEAR group (reads “air group”).

Construction Logistics – LiU

(Part of the Communications and Transport System (KTS) division, Department of Science and Technology (ITN))

• The research of this group is empirically grounded, but strives towards developing normative tools, methods and models with the purpose to enhance effective construction logistics and management.

• Coordinator of the group is Martin Rudberg, professor, L E Lundberg Chair of Construction Management and Logistics,, 013-28 1566. In total, the group consists of Three core senior researchers and three PhD students.
Construction Logistics

Vehicular systems – LiU

(Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY))

• This research group has as core area engineering of technologies for clean, efficient, reliable, and safe transportation systems.

• The coordinators for the focus areas are: 1) Lars Nielsen,, 013 – 28 13 07, 2) Erik Frisk,, 013 – 28 57 14, and 3) Lars Eriksson,, 013 – 28 44 09. In total, the group consists of four core senior researchers and four senior research fellows. eleven Ph.D. students at LiU and one industrial Ph.D. student.

Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics – LiU

(Department of Management and Engineering (IEI))

• The research of this group is focused on three areas: aerodynamics, biofluid dynamics and industrial heat transfer. The main focus in aerodynamics is devoted towards road vehicle aerodynamics including computational modelling, method development, wind tunnel investigations and practical road tests.

• Coordinator of the group is Matts Karlsson, professor,, 013-281199. In total, the group consists of one core senior researchers and one partly involved senior researchers, one PhD student.

Biogas Research Center – LiU

• BRC is a national competence center for biogas research administered by LiU. It is a base for the development of innovative and resource-efficient biogas solutions, often with positive local and regional effects on the environment and the economy. BRC covers many different areas and cocreates knowledge with external partners, the transport sector being one of these.

• Coordinator of the group is Mats Eklund, (program director, scientific responsibility). Anna Brunzell is responsible for practical implementation and administrative issues, In total, the group consists of 28 researchers from LiU and approximately five researchers from SLU. Five PhD students are included.
Biogas Research Center

Projects, Innovation & Entrepreneurship – LiU

• The research is conducted in close relation to industry and society in two main areas: entrepreneurship and innovation management. Areas of interest are development, adoption and diffusion of electrified vehicles and renewable fuels

• Coordinator of the group is Magnus Klofsten, professor, In total the group consist of 10 researchers, whereof 3 are active in transport-related research.