Marie Bengtsson




Marie Bengtsson, Cecilia Enberg, Fredrik Tell (2020) Foolishness without consequence? From physical to virtual modeling in the history of military aircraft development at Saab Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 29, s. 163-181 Vidare till DOI


Marie Bengtsson, Juan Ruiz, Renee Wever (2019) This is how we roll; A play on creative thought and the generation of novelty Proceedings of Meaningful Play 2018, s. 380-387 Vidare till DOI


Lars Lindkvist, Marie Bengtsson, Dan-Magnus Svensson, Linnea Wahlstedt (2017) Replacing old routines: how Ericsson software developers and managers learned to become agile Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 26, s. 571-591 Vidare till DOI
Marie Bengtsson, Lars Lindkvist (2017) Mapping the Road to Future Projects: Roadmapping as a Balancing and Transformation Process Project Management Journal, Vol. 48, s. 39-54
Lars Lindkvist, Marie Bengtsson (2017) Bridging the individual-to-organization divide: a knowledge creation approach Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, s. 72-84
