Theoretical knowledge and practical experience
This Bachelor programme will provide you with deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience of basic and advanced research techniques in fundamental biomedical fields such as cell and molecular biology, medical biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology as well as in the hi-tech areas of drug discovery, systems biology, bioinformatics and digital pathology. Throughout the programme your biomedical training will be run in parallel with project-driven courses to allow you apply your knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm. To ensure that you can translate research breakthroughs into clinical products and services the program trains students in the latest approaches in project management, clinical trial design, bioentrepreneurship, drug regulation and medical ethics.You will also have the opportunity to spend an entire semester performing research at Linköping University or at one of our industrial partners, in Sweden or abroad. By educating our students in the theory and practice of innovative biomedical research as well as research management our programme aims to develop the biomedical research leaders of the future.