Leonard Ngaosuvan

Associate Professor

Interdisciplinary researcher in social work with a drive to combine unexpected knowledge domains to solve family court and child protective service problems.

Interdisciplinary researcher in social work

My research mainly concerns risk assessments in family court and CPS cases. I try to be a creative, Interdisciplinary researcher with new Ideas without limiting myself to singular disciplines or domains.

My education

  • Senior lecturer in social work
  • Ph.D in Psychology
  • B.Sc in Cognitive Science


I am a co-worker in a FORTE-project concerning measuring and improving the quality of assessments of stories of violence at Lund University. Apart from that my research concern risk assessments in social work investigations, but I am very interested in rule of law, family court, CPS, statistics, logics, motivation and cognitive aspects of social work. As a researcher, I am strongly drawn to interdisciplinary studies, and I happily combine different domains or knowledge to create more interesting studies. In addition, I try to collaborate with non-profit organizations that work with family court and CPS issues.


Latest publication

Read my latest publication from 2024.


Leonard Ngaosuvan, Ligia Larsson (2024) Rule of Law in Swedish Health Insurance Assessments: Maximizing Ecological Validity using Vignette Methodology PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH SWECOG CONFERENCE, p. 140-144 (Conference paper)
Leonard Ngaosuvan, Frida Söderlund, Stina Johansson (2024) Job seekers' subjective experiences of credibility and motivation of three unemployment interventions PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH SWECOG CONFERENCE, p. 16-18 (Conference paper)
Leonard Ngaosuvan, Jenny Hagberg, Sverker Sikström (2024) Gender discrimination in Swedish family courts: A quantitative vignette study PLOS ONE, Vol. 19, Article e0296210 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Leonard Ngaosuvan (2023) Granskning av vårdnadsutredning tillhörande ärende T5785-22
Leonard Ngaosuvan (2023) Granskning av Utredning enligt 11 Kap. 1 § SoL, målnummer T391-18.

Research environment


I teach scientific method, philosophy of science, investigation methodology, and examination of bachelors' theses- To some degree, I also supervise bachelor's theses in Cognitive Science at Gothenburg University.

