Division of Inflammation and Infection (II)

The Division of Inflammation and Infection (II) includes clinical subject areas such as Immunology, Rheumatology, Pathology and Microbiology.

Our aim is to provide education and research within this wide field, having the body’s defense system as its common ground, in such a way that a profound understanding of the inflammatory process and the microbes, significant role for health and curiosity to participate in research is achieved.


Maria Lerm.

It’s in your DNA - your body’s experiences become imprinted as methylation signatures!

Our research explores how infections like COVID-19 and tuberculosis alter DNA through epigenetic changes. Tuberculosis exposure leaves marks in immune and other cells. COVID-19 also rewires immune cell DNA, offering diagnostic insights.

Blood samples for allergy research.

Strategies to combat the allergy epidemic: Can we predict and prevent childhood allergies?

Childhood immune maturation and allergy development: Epigenetic regulation by maternal immunity and microbial exposure during pregnancy.

A doctor looks at X-rays.

Individualised diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis

Our general aim is to individualise and thereby optimize management of clinical TB by new methods and strategies. The research group consists of specialists in tuberculosis from different professions.

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