About us

What we do

We work at the intersection between the humanities, the social sciences and medicine, and provide a forum for researchers, teachers, healthcare staff and other societal actors.

The Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (CMHB) has been established to allow different approaches to and perspectives on shared areas of interest within the medical humanities and bioethics to inform and enrich each other. The terms medical humanities and bioethics are used in a broad sense.

Medical humanities encompass the study of health care and social care practices, health, welfare, diseases and illnesses, and different bodily and functional variations, from different interdisciplinary or more disciplinary humanities and social sciences perspectives. It includes epistemological questions that arise at the intersection between biomedicine, clinical practice, the humanities and the social sciences, as well as questions regarding how perspectives from these different fields can be brought into dialogue with each other and contribute to a richer understanding of that which is studied. Bioethics raises a number of ethical questions, for instance in relation to, health care practices and technologies, care practices and the life sciences at large.

Our activities

  • Seminars at which researchers present and discuss research.
  • Teaching within the medical humanities and bioethics.
  • Scientific salons and thematic whole or half-day events at which researchers and societal actors talk about societal challenges related to, for example, health, illness, medical technology and practice.
  • National and international symposia and conferences.

CMHB goals and organisation

The Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (CMHB) is a LiU centre. This means that we work across all the faculties at Linköping University, and that CMHB has a cross-faculty task. At CMHB, we seek to gather, strengthen, and develop research, teaching, and collaboration with the society around us, within the areas of medical humanities and bioethics.


The goal of CMHB is to become a locally, and nationally and internationally leading centre within medical humanities and bioethics. CMHB’s tasks include:

  • To initiate and engage in research and research seminars in the medical humanities and bioethics, and to initiate and engage in research that centre on questions that arise in the intersection between the humanities, the social sciences, and biomedicine.
  • To promote innovation and openness across research areas and faculties, and strengthen collaboration, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, within and of relevance for the medical humanities and bioethics.
  • To strengthen education within the medical humanities and bioethics.


CMHB consists of colleagues from all faculties at Linköping University, and of colleagues from Region Östergötland. The director is responsible for the executive and everyday activities, together with CMHB’s co-ordinator.

The board of CMHB comprises the chair Anette Wickström, associate professor at the Department of Thematic Studies: Child Studies, LiU, vice chair Peter Garvin, research strategy officer at Region Östergötland, and the board members Marit Karlsson, adjunct senior lecturer at the Department of Health, Medicine, and the Caring Sciences, LiU, and senior consultant in palliative medicine at Region Östergötland, Klaus Hoeyer, Professor at Copenhagen University, Bjørn Hofmann, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Oslo, and PhD student representative Rebecka Tiefenbacher, at the Department of Thematic Studies: Child Studies, LiU. The board also comprise Per Gyberg, Head of the Department of Thematic Studies that host CMHB (adjunct board member), the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Lena Jonasson (adjunct board member) and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Ulf Melin (adjunct board member).

The Department of Thematic Studies is CMHB’s host department.



Colleagues at CMHB

National collaborations

National collaborations

 Illustration of a network.

Birgit Rausing Center for Medical Humanities: Lund

BRCMH explores interdisciplinary concepts and methodologies in education, science and collaboration with the rest of society, to promote various aspects of the interpersonal encounter in health care.

Spider web with yellow background

Centre for Medical Humanities: Uppsala

The centre constitutes a platform for research multidisciplinary dialogue on issues relating to medicine and health, and conducts and coordinates initiatives in education.

People walking

Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge: Södertörn

The Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge is tasked with raising awareness, investigating, teaching about and critically examining different forms of practical knowledge, particularly in working life.


International collaborations