Akutklinikens forskargrupp (EMRC)

Forsknings- och utvecklingsenheten på Akutkliniken vid Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping startade 2016. Akutkliniken är sedan 2021 Sveriges första universitetssjukvårdsenhet i akutsjukvård och bedriver ett brett forskningsprogram inom akutsjukvård.

Målet med forskningen är att förbättra omhändertagandet av akut sjuka patienter, bland annat genom utveckling av nya metoder för prioritering, riskstratifiering och avancerade prognosmodeller.

På akutkliniken US bedrivs forskning och utveckling med stor spännvidd – från projekt kring basal fysiologi, till nationella studier om patientflöden och utfall i akutsjukvård. Tonvikten ligger på projekt som rör det dagliga arbetet på akutmottagningen och många av våra forskningsfrågor och utvecklingsprojekt är direkt kopplade till utmaningar i den kliniska vardagen.

Aktuella forskningsområden:

  • AI-baserade prognosmodeller för riskstratifiering av akut sjuka patienter.
  • Utveckling av mikrocirkulatoriska markörer för svår och livshotande akut sjukdom.
  • Utveckling av patientnära provtagningametoder vid respiratorisk insufficines.
  • Prognostisering av arbetsbelastning och resursutnyttjande inom ambulans- och akutsjukvård.
  • Utveckling av nya verktyg för riskstratifiering av särskilt sårbara patientgrupper, exempelvis sköra äldre.



Utvalda publikationer

  1. M. Jörg, M. Öster, J. Wretborn, D.B. Wilhelms, Agreement of pCO2 in venous to arterial blood gas conversion models in undifferentiated emergency patients. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental volume 11, Article number: 80 (2023)
  2. Hörlin, E., S. Munir Ehrlington, J. Henricson, R.T. John and D. Wilhelms, Is the clinical frailty scale feasible to use in an emergency department setting? A mixed methods study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2023. 23, Article number: 124 (2023)
  3. Wretborn, J., M. Jörg, P. Benjaminsson Nyberg and D.B. Wilhelms, Risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with COVID-19 during 2020; a retrospective cross-sectional study in a Swedish health care system. Scientific Reports, 2023. 13(1): p. 5469.
  4. Ardsby, M., F. Shayo, F.M. Sakita, D. Wilhelms, B. Moshi, P. Frankiewicz, L.L. Silva, C.A. Staton, B. Mmbaga and A. Joiner, Emergency unit capacity in Northern Tanzania: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open, 2023. 13(2): p. e068484.
  5. Wretborn, J., U. Ekelund and D. B. Wilhelms, Differentiating properties of occupancy rate and workload to estimate crowding: A Swedish national cross‐sectional study. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, 2022. 3(1): p. e12648.
  6. Wilhelms, S.B. and D.B. Wilhelms, Airway management procedures in Swedish emergency department patients - a national retrospective study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2022. 22(1): p. 67.
  7. Hörlin, E., S. Munir Ehrlington, J. Henricson, R.T. John and D. Wilhelms, Inter-rater reliability of the Clinical Frailty Scale by staff members in a Swedish emergency department setting. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2022. 29(12): p. 1431-1437.
  8. Henricson, J., F. Sjoberg, F. Iredahl, T. Stromberg and D. Wilhelms, In vivo dose-response analysis to acetylcholine: pharmacodynamic assessment by polarized reflectance spectroscopy. Sci Rep, 2022. 12(1): p. 6594.
  9. Henricson, J., U. Ekelund, J. Hartman, B. Ziegler, L. Kurland and D. Björk Wilhelms, Pathways to the emergency department - a national, cross-sectional study in Sweden. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2022. 22(1): p. 58.
  10. Davidson, L.T., E. Gauffin, P. Henanger, M. Wajda, D. Wilhelms, B. Ekman, H. Arnqvist, M. Schilling and I.S. Chisalita, Admission of patients with chest pain and/or breathlessness from the emergency department in relation to risk assessment and copeptin levels-an observational study. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022. 127(1).
  11. Crilly, J., Y.L. Huang, M. Krahe, D. Wilhelms, U. Ekelund, E. Hörlin, J. Hayes and G. Keijzers, Research priority setting in emergency care: A scoping review. Journal of the American college of emergency physicians open, 2022. 3(6): p. e12852.
  12. Wretborn, J., H. Starkenberg, T. Ruge, D.B. Wilhelms and U. Ekelund, Validation of the modified Skåne emergency department assessment of patient load (mSEAL) model for emergency department crowding and comparison with international models; an observational study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2021. 21(1): p. 21.
  13. Wretborn, J., M. Jörg, P. Benjaminsson Nyberg and D.B. Wilhelms, Risk of venous thromboembolism in a Swedish healthcare system during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A retrospective cross‐sectional study. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians open, 2021. 2(5): p. e12530.
  14. Wilhelms, S.B. and D.B. Wilhelms, Emergency department admissions to the intensive care unit–a national retrospective study. BMC emergency medicine, 2021. 21(1): p. 1-9.
  15. Holmbom, M., M. Andersson, S. Berg, D. Eklund, P. Sobczynski, D. Wilhelms, A. Moberg, M. Fredrikson, Å.Ö. Balkhed and H. Hanberger, Prehospital delay is an important risk factor for mortality in community-acquired bloodstream infection (CA-BSI): a matched case–control study. BMJ open, 2021. 11(11): p. e052582.
  16. Henricson, J., J. Glasin, S. Rindebratt and D. Wilhelms, Respiratory rate monitoring in healthy volunteers by central photoplethysmography compared to capnography. Journal of Biophotonics, 2021: p. e202100270.
  17. Wretborn, J., J. Henricson, U. Ekelund and D.B. Wilhelms, Prevalence of crowding, boarding and staffing levels in Swedish emergency departments - a National Cross Sectional Study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 2020. 20(1): p. 50.
  18. Greenslade, J.H., M. Wallis, A.N.B. Johnston, E. Carlstrom, D.B. Wilhelms and J. Crilly, Key occupational stressors in the ED: an international comparison. Emerg Med J, 2020. 37(2): p. 106-111.
  19. Brito, H.O., D. Radulski, D.B. Wilhelms, A. Stojakovic, L.M.O. Brito, R.M. Gil da Costa, E. Trindade, D. Engblom, C.R.C. Franco and A.R. Zampronio, Immune-mediated febrile response in female rats: Role of central hypothalamic mediators. Scientific Reports, 2020. 10(1): p. 4073.
  20. Wretborn, J., U. Ekelund and D.B. Wilhelms, Emergency Department Workload and Crowding During a Major Electronic Health Record Breakdown. Front Public Health, 2019. 7(267): p. 267.
  21. Toll John, R., J. Henricson, C.D. Anderson and D. Bjork Wilhelms, Man versus machine: comparison of naked-eye estimation and quantified capillary refill. Emerg Med J, 2019. 36(8): p. 465-471.
  22. Greenslade, J.H., M.C. Wallis, A. Johnston, E. Carlström, D. Wilhelms, O. Thom, L. Abraham and J. Crilly, Development of a revised Jalowiec Coping Scale for use by emergency clinicians: a cross-sectional scale development study. BMJ Open, 2019. 9(12): p. e033053.
  23. Glasin, J., J. Henricson, L.G. Lindberg and D. Wilhelms, Wireless vitals-Proof of concept for wireless patient monitoring in an emergency department setting. J Biophotonics, 2019. 12(4): p. e201800275.
  24. Fagerstrom, J., M. Bang, D. Wilhelms and M.S. Chew, LiSep LSTM: A Machine Learning Algorithm for Early Detection of Septic Shock. Sci Rep, 2019. 9(1): p. 15132.
  25. Wilhelms, D.B., H. Dock, H.O. Brito, E. Pettersson, A. Stojakovic, J. Zajdel, D. Engblom, E. Theodorsson, M.L. Hammar and A.E. Spetz Holm, CGRP Is Critical for Hot Flushes in Ovariectomized Mice. Front Pharmacol, 2018. 9(1452): p. 1452.
  26. Wilhelms, D., F. Sjoberg and M. Chew, Emergency medicine is about collaboration, not monopolisation. Eur J Anaesthesiol, 2018. 35(3): p. 231-232.
  27. Klawonn, A.M., D.B. Wilhelms, S.H. Lindstrom, A.K. Singh, M. Jaarola, J. Wess, M. Fritz and D. Engblom, Muscarinic M4 Receptors on Cholinergic and Dopamine D1 Receptor-Expressing Neurons Have Opposing Functionality for Positive Reinforcement and Influence Impulsivity. Front Mol Neurosci, 2018. 11: p. 139.
  28. John, R.T., J. Henricson, G.E. Nilsson, D. Wilhelms and C.D. Anderson, Reflectance spectroscopy: to shed new light on the capillary refill test. J Biophotonics, 2018. 11(1).
  29. John, R.T., J. Henricson, J. Junker, C.O. Jonson, G.E. Nilsson, D. Wilhelms and C.D. Anderson, A cool response-The influence of ambient temperature on capillary refill time. J Biophotonics, 2018. 11(6): p. e201700371.
  30. Nilsson, A., D.B. Wilhelms, E. Mirrasekhian, M. Jaarola, A. Blomqvist and D. Engblom, Inflammation-induced anorexia and fever are elicited by distinct prostaglandin dependent mechanisms, whereas conditioned taste aversion is prostaglandin independent. Brain Behav Immun, 2017. 61: p. 236-243.
  31. Henricson, J., R. Toll John, C.D. Anderson and D. Bjork Wilhelms, Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy: Getting the Capillary Refill Test Under One's Thumb. J Vis Exp, 2017(130).
  32. Fritz, M., A.M. Klawonn, A. Nilsson, A.K. Singh, J. Zajdel, D.B. Wilhelms, M. Lazarus, A. Lofberg, M. Jaarola, U.O. Kugelberg, T.R. Billiar, D.J. Hackam, C.P. Sodhi, M.D. Breyer, J. Jakobsson, M. Schwaninger, G. Schutz, J.R. Parkitna, C.B. Saper, A. Blomqvist, and D. Engblom, Prostaglandin-dependent modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission elicits inflammation-induced aversion in mice. J Clin Invest, 2016. 126(2): p. 695-705.
  33. Brito, H.O., D.R. Radulski, D.B. Wilhelms, A. Stojakovic, L.M. Brito, D. Engblom, C.R. Franco and A.R. Zampronio, Female Sex Hormones Influence the Febrile Response Induced by Lipopolysaccharide, Cytokines and Prostaglandins but not by Interleukin-1beta in Rats. J Neuroendocrinol, 2016. 28(10).
  34. Bjork Wilhelms, D., E. Mirrasekhian, J. Zajdel, A. Kumar Singh and D. Engblom, Cyclooxygenase Isoform Exchange Blocks Brain-Mediated Inflammatory Symptoms. PLoS One, 2016. 11(11): p. e0166153.
  35. Wilhelms, D.B., M. Kirilov, E. Mirrasekhian, A. Eskilsson, U.O. Kugelberg, C. Klar, D.A. Ridder, H.R. Herschman, M. Schwaninger, A. Blomqvist and D. Engblom, Deletion of prostaglandin E2 synthesizing enzymes in brain endothelial cells attenuates inflammatory fever. J Neurosci, 2014. 34(35): p. 11684-90.
  36. Ruud, J., D.B. Wilhelms, A. Nilsson, A. Eskilsson, Y.J. Tang, P. Strohle, R. Caesar, M. Schwaninger, T. Wunderlich, F. Backhed, D. Engblom and A. Blomqvist, Inflammation- and tumor-induced anorexia and weight loss require MyD88 in hematopoietic/myeloid cells but not in brain endothelial or neural cells. FASEB J, 2013. 27(5): p. 1973-80.
  37. Engstrom Ruud, L., D.B. Wilhelms, A. Eskilsson, A.M. Vasilache, L. Elander, D. Engblom and A. Blomqvist, Acetaminophen reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced fever by inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2. Neuropharmacology, 2013. 71: p. 124-9.

Senaste publikationerna från LiU DiVA


Jens Wretborn, Samia Munir-Ehrlington, Erika Hörlin, Daniel Wilhelms (2024) Addition of the clinical frailty scale to triage tools and early warning scores improves mortality prognostication at 30 days: A prospective observational multicenter study JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS OPEN, Vol. 5, Artikel e13244 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Frida Meyer, Joakim Henricson, Chris Anderson, Daniel Wilhelms (2024) The Effect of Repeated Capillary Refill Tests on the Cutaneous Microcirculation Journal of Biophotonics (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI
Samia Munir Ehrlington, Erika Hörlin, Rani Toll John, Jens Wretborn, Daniel Wilhelms (2024) Frailty is associated with 30-day mortality: a multicentre study of Swedish emergency departments Emergency Medicine Journal (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI

