
Renee Wever


Designforskare med en passion för förpackningar och hållbarhet.


  • PhD program in design
  • International master in design
  • Civilingenjör i design och produktutveckling (DPU)



Elena Jiménez Romanillos, Wanjun Chu, Renee Wever (2024) Take out (the) packaging: Analysis of a Returnable Packaging Service
Shilpi Reema Rath, Wanjun Chu, Nazli Terzioglu Özkan, Renee Wever (2024) Designing Interventions for Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework for Information Scoping in the Design Research Phase EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems I, s. 429-446 (Kapitel i bok, del av antologi) Vidare till DOI
Elena Jiménez Romanillos, Helen Williams, Renee Wever (2024) Unpacking Behaviours: A Literature Study and Research Agenda on Consumer Behaviour in Packaging-Free Systems Packaging technology & science (Artikel, forskningsöversikt) Vidare till DOI
Juan Ruiz Muñoz, Renee Wever (2024) Design team formation using self-assessment and observer-assessment techniques: mapping practices in a global network of universities Design Science, Vol. 10, Artikel e7 (Artikel i tidskrift) Vidare till DOI


Jasper Van Kuijk, Renee Wever (2023) Spinning out of control - reflections on the (non)sense of repurposing as a circular economy loop 5th PLATE conference: Product Lifetimes and the Environment (Konferensbidrag)

