Photo of Gisela Eckert

Gisela Eckert

Associate Professor

For some people, like me, it comes natural to constantly organize, plan, analyze and sort things. If you feel the same, leadership- and head functions at LiU are excellent assignments.

Creating good organizational conditions for education, research and collaboration

My main task is to create good organizational conditions for education, research and collaboration. Independent of which leading role I have, I try to do this. Examples of this are when, as Head of Division, I plan for all our courses to be taught by competent and committed personnel. In my role as Director of Graduate Studies it may mean that I examine the individual study plans of our graduate students and keep an eye on things running as planned. Another day I discuss the strategic investments of the department in my role as Deputy Head of Department. In my role as course responsible teacher I design courses that will encourage students’ learning in the best possible way. Independent of occasion, my goal is always the same, namely that education, research and collaboration at LiU should be given the best possible conditions. Do I enjoy my work you might ask – of course I do!  


PhD 2001 – Tema Barn 


Head of department, IBL 

Director of graduate studies, IBL 

Head of Division of education and sociology 



Cecilia Svedhem, Gisela Eckert, Barbro Wijma (2013) Living with genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder in a heterosexual relationship: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with eight women Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Vol. 28, p. 336-349 Continue to DOI


Gisela Eckert, Charlotte Alm, Ebba Jakobsson, Emelie Schröder, Mårten Tyrberg (2007) Externally Imposed Internally Driven Learning - A Paradox? The 13th International Conference on Thinking,2007


Gisela Eckert, Charlotte Alm, Fanny Estling, Ebba Jakobsson, Mårten Tyrberg (2006) Du kan väl spela psykolog. Att få en känsla av kontinuitet och progression. Ett nytt sätt att undervisa i samtals- och testmetod på ett psykologprogram. Utvecklingskonferensen,2005, p. 110-
Maria Simonsson, Gisela Eckert (2006) Hur går det för glutenintoleranta barn i förskolan? Mat vitaminer och bättre hälsa vid celiaki. Den 8:e Celiaki dagen i Norrköping,2006


Gisela Eckert (2004) If I Tell Them then I Can. Ways of Relating to Adult Rules. Childhood, Vol. 11




Cecilia Svedhem, Gisela Eckert, Barbro Wijma (2013) Living with genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder in a heterosexual relationship: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with eight women Sexual and Relationship Therapy, Vol. 28, p. 336-349 Continue to DOI


Gisela Eckert, Charlotte Alm, Ebba Jakobsson, Emelie Schröder, Mårten Tyrberg (2007) Externally Imposed Internally Driven Learning - A Paradox? The 13th International Conference on Thinking,2007


Gisela Eckert, Charlotte Alm, Fanny Estling, Ebba Jakobsson, Mårten Tyrberg (2006) Du kan väl spela psykolog. Att få en känsla av kontinuitet och progression. Ett nytt sätt att undervisa i samtals- och testmetod på ett psykologprogram. Utvecklingskonferensen,2005, p. 110-
Maria Simonsson, Gisela Eckert (2006) Hur går det för glutenintoleranta barn i förskolan? Mat vitaminer och bättre hälsa vid celiaki. Den 8:e Celiaki dagen i Norrköping,2006


Gisela Eckert (2004) If I Tell Them then I Can. Ways of Relating to Adult Rules. Childhood, Vol. 11

My Department