Fotografi av Karin Stolpe

Karin Stolpe

Universitetslektor, Docent




Karin Stolpe, Jonas Hallström (2024) Artificial Intelligence Literacy for Technology Education Computers and Education Open, Vol. 6, Artikel 100159 Vidare till DOI


Karin Stolpe, Andreas Larsson (2023) "Vi går in och tittar i mappen" ["Let's go look inside the folder"]: En lärares språkliga strukturering av rumslighet i programmeringsundervisning [A teacher's way of structuring spatiality when teaching programming] NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education, Vol. 19, s. 134-147
Björn Citrohn, Karin Stolpe, Maria Svensson (2023) The use of models and modelling in design projects in three different technology classrooms International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 33, s. 63-90 Vidare till DOI
Andreas Larsson, Karin Stolpe (2023) Hands on programming: Teachers use of Metaphors in gesture and Speech make Abstract concepts tangible International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 33, s. 901-919 Vidare till DOI
Karin Stolpe (2023) Forskningslitteracitet i praktiken: Lärares motiv till att läsa och använda forskning Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, s. 1-24


