
Catrin Lundström

Senior Associate Professor

My research focuses on privileges and inequalities within transnational migration.

On Swedish whiteness 

My research spans over the fields of sociology, migration studies, critical race and whiteness studies, and gender studies.

My research spans over the fields of sociology, migration studies, critical race and whiteness studies, and gender studies.

I am Associate professor in Sociology and Professor Designate in Ethnicity and Migration at the Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO).

I defended my thesis in sociology at the University of Uppsala in 2007 and became Associate Professor of Sociology in 2011. I have worked as a teacher and researcher in sociology and gender studies at Uppsala University, Mälardalen University, Stockholm University, Lund University, Umeå university, Södertörn University, Linköping University, and Multicultural Centre, primarily within the fields of sociology and gender studies. I have also been a visiting researcher at the Department of Linguistic Anthropology at University of Arizona, Tucson (2005) and at the Department of Sociology, at University of California, Santa Barbara (2007-2008). I was a post doc at Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), at Umeå University between 2009 and 2011. Between 2013 and 2019, I was appointed Future Research Leader at Linköping University.


I approach whiteness as a local and transnational construct, in which the meaning of whiteness and white identities shift intersectionally and contextually. In my dissertation Swedish Latinas: race, class and gender in the geography of Swedishness (Makadam, 2007), I examine the interrelation between whiteness and Swedishness, and how young Latinas negotiate the boundaries of national identity in this context in relation to race, class, gender, and sexuality.

After my disputation, I initiated an extensive project on transnational Swedishness and migration funded by The Sweden-America Foundation. From ethnographic studies with Swedish women in southwestern US, Singapore and southern Spain, I discuss how the analytical framework for migration studies can be developed by empirically including white, western migrants into the theoretical understanding of ‘the migrant’ and migration processes. The ethnographic study is presented in the book White Migrations: gender, whiteness and privilege in transnational migration (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

In a following study on Swedish migration, I investigate how women who had lived abroad negotiate gender equality and national identity when they move back to Sweden. The project “Re-integrating Swedishness: the politics of belonging among returning Swedish migrant women” was funded by the Swedish Research Council (2013–2017).

Together with associate professor Tobias Hübinette, I have developed a historicized analysis of the emergence of Swedish hegemonic whiteness from 1905 and forward. Our analysis departures from the question of how the loss of white homogeneity in Sweden is handled by the progressive and the conservative side, who, we suggest, identify with different historical periods of hegemonic whiteness, yet mourning the loss of the same national identity. Our theoretical model of Swedish whiteness is presented in the book White melancholia: an analysis of a nation in crisis (Makadam 2020).


Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society


Books in selection

Cover of publication 'bookcover.'
Tobias Hübinette, Catrin Lundström, Peter Wikström (2023)
Cover of publication 'Book cover with a photo of hills and a river.'
Rikke Andreassen, Catrin Lundström, Suvi Keskinen, Shirley Anne Tate (Editorship) (2024)


Catrin Lundström (2024) Vithet som transnationellt kapital Sociologisk forskning (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström (2024) Kulturdebatt: Varför lierar sig vänstern så ofta med sexualförbrytare? Dagens Nyheter, p. 6-7 (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström (2024) Oseriöst med sommarens nyhetstorka i public service Dagens ETC, p. 4-5 (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström (2024) Kräver solidariteten att sexuellt våld förnekas? Flamman (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström (2024) Gunilla Persson - från Hollywood till Kronofogden. Arbetaren, Vol. 36 (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström, Tobias Hübinette (2024) Utan rasbegreppet förstår vi inte ojämlikheten. Flamman (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström, Sara Edenheim (2024) Feminismen är inte din mamma Parabol, Vol. 5 (Article in journal)
Catrin Lundström (2024) Fröken Snusk - "för mycket, för vulgärt". Arbetaren, Vol. 26 (Article in journal)

Research networks


IMISCOE Standing Committee Gender, migration and transnational lives is Europe's largest network of scholars in the area of migration and integration.

White Spaces network

The White Spaces network, Leeds University, UK is an international interdisciplinary network of scholars, activists, students and practitioners who share an interest in issues of whiteness in the context of global racialised power dynamics.

Lifestyle Migration Hub

Lifestyle Migration Hub, an international research network.


