Onsdag 11 december 2024, 13.15-14.15, Sebastián Reyes-Carocca, Universidad de Chile
Titel: On subvarieties of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces
Sammanfattning: In this talk, we shall consider certain subvarieties of the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces determined by the specification of actions of finite groups. We shall discuss the general problem of determining which among such subvarieties are non-normal. Several (new) examples will be discussed. This is a joint work with Rubén A. Hidalgo (Universidad de La Frontera), Jennifer Paulhus (Mount Holyoke College) and Anita M. Rojas (Universidad de Chile).
Onsdag 4 december 2024, 13.15-14.15, Kari Astala, University of Helsinki och Institut Mittag-Leffler
Titel: The Burkholder functional in elliptic PDE's and non-linear elasticity
Sammanfattning: The Burkholder functional $B_p$ provides a fascinating bridge between martingale inequalities, singular integrals, complex analysis and vector valued calculus of variations. It gives a particularly interesting candidate to test Morrey's conjecture in two dimensions, i.e. if every rank-one convex integrand or functional in $\mathbb{R}^{2 \times 2}$ is quasiconvex.
In this talk, based on joint work with D. Faraco, A. Guerra, A. Koski and J. Kristensen, we study the interaction of the functional with elliptic PDE's and non-linear elasticity.
In particular, we show that the functional is quasiconvex in the space of Sobolev maps with $B_p(Df) \leq 0$. This result is also a key to minimization and weak lower semicontinuity properties of several natural energy functionals in non-linear elasticity, where, to avoid cavitation and interpenetration of matter, natural minimisers are Sobolev homeomorphisms.
Onsdag 27 november 2024, 13.15-14.15, Simon Larson, Chalmers och Göteborgs universitet
Titel: On the asymptotic distribution of Laplacian eigenvalues
Sammanfattning: A classical topic in spectral theory is Weyl’s law which describes the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of Laplace operators on a bounded open set. In this talk we will explore some recent results in this field with a view towards geometries with limited regularity. In particular, I will explain elements of new techniques that have lead to a proof of two-term asymptotics for the Riesz means of both Dirichlet and Neumann Laplace operators under the assumption that the boundary is Lipschitz regular.
Based on joint work with Rupert Frank (LMU Munich).
Onsdag 20 november 2024, 13.15-14.15, Jordi-Lluis Figueras, Uppsala universitet
Titel: On the stability of the planar Sun-Jupiter-Saturn
Sammanfattning: In this talk I will introduce the (planetary) N-body problem and briefly discuss its historical background: From Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler and Tycho Brahe to Newton; from Laplace, Euler and Lagrange, to Mittag-Leffler and Poincaré, ending up with Kolmogorov, Arnold and Moser. Then I will move to discuss the stability problem of our Solar system and, in particular, the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn. Is it stable? Do the planets orbit around the Sun in a (quasi)periodic fashion?
Onsdag 30 oktober 2024, 13.15-14.15 Vladimir Tkachev, Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet
Titel: Sharp pointwise estimates for Riesz potentials with bounded density
Sammanfattning: The L-problem of moments, the exponential transform, Riesz potentials and quadrature domains connect different areas of mathematics (operator theory, approximation theory, potential theory and complex analysis resp.).
In my talk I will explain how and why the Riesz potentials with singular order come into the play here. The story covers some earlier results of Markov, Krein, Akhiezer and more recent developments by Shapiro, Gustafsson, Putinar etc.
In 2003, Gustafsson and Putinar conjectured the subharmonicity of a certain exponential transform associated with the Riesz potential for a bounded measure.
In 2005 I gave the proof of this conjecture by using various methods from nonlinear analysis, based on a sharp pointwise inequality for Riesz potentials of singular order alpha = zero.
Later, in 2018 I extended my results to a more general case in the context of the so-called Markov inequalities. In my talk I will explain the key ideas of the proof and mention some interesting observations and unsolved problems in this direction.
Onsdag 16 oktober 2024, 13.15-14.15 Samuel Lopes, Universidade do Porto
Titel: Smith algebras: a tour through symmetry, geometry and representation theory
Sammanfattning: After some motivation and discussing how they appear naturally through the lens of (noncommutative) geometry, we will discuss Smith algebras and their representations. In particular, following the seminal works of Nilsson, we will discuss representations which are free of finite rank over a subalgebra which plays a role analogous to that of a Cartan subalgebra. In the case of rank 1, we obtain a full description of the isomorphism classes, a simplicity criterion, and a combinatorial algorithm to produce all composition series and the multiplicities of the simple factors. This is joint work with V. Futorny (SUSTech, China) and E. Mendonça (Lyon, France & USP, Brasil).
Onsdagen 25 september 2024, 13.15-14.15 Yazmin Rivera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile och MAI

Onsdagen 11 september 2024, 13.15-14.15, Tatiana Tchemisova, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Titel: Algorithmic challenges in Semidefinite Programming: exploring regularity with immobile indices and generating nonregular SDP problems
Sammanfattning: Semidefinite programming (SDP) deals with the problem of minimizing linear functions subject to linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and belongs to conic optimization. A wide variety of nonlinear convex optimization problems can be formulated as problems involving LMIs, and hence efficiently solved using recently developed interior-point methods. Semidefinite programming has been recognized in combinatorial optimization as a valuable technique for obtaining bounds on the solution of NP-hard problems. It provides important numerical tools for analysis and synthesis in systems and control theory, robust optimization, computational biology, systems and control theory, sensor network location, and data analysis, among others.
Regularity is an important property of optimization problems. Various notions of regularity are known from the literature, being defined for different classes of problems. Usually, optimization methods are based on the optimality conditions, which in turn, often suppose that the problem is regular. The absence of regularity leads to theoretical and numerical difficulties, and solvers may fail to provide a trustworthy result.
In the first part of the talk, we present a novel approach to the algorithmic investigation of the regularity of linear SDP problems. This approach is based on the notions of immobile indices and their immobility orders. For the linear semidefinite problem, we define the subspace of immobile indices and formulate the first-order optimality conditions in terms of a basic matrix of this subspace. These conditions are explicit, do not use constraint qualifications, and have the form of criterion.
In the second part, we present an algorithmic generator constructing nonregular SDP instances with prescribed irregularity degrees and present a database of nonregular test problems created using this generator. Numerical experiments using popular SDP solvers on the problems of this database permit us to conclude that the most efficient solvers are not efficient when applied to nonregular problems.
The presentation is based on joint work with O. Kostyukova (National Academy of Sciences of Belarus) and E. Macedo (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Onsdag 4 september 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Paola Cristofori, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italien
Titel: Colored triangulations: a combinatorial perspective in the study of 4-manifolds
Sammanfattning: The study of the topology of 4-manifolds is a particularly challenging task: peculiar behaviors occur in this dimension, while otherwise useful results and techniques turn out to fail. On the other hand, the coincidence between PL and DIFF categories in dimension 4 allows for combinatorial approaches, possibly supported by computational techniques.
Colored triangulations - encoded by edge-colored graphs - provide a well-established combinatorial tool for representing PL 4-manifolds and define PL invariants.
In this talk I will discuss the relations between colored triangulations and some classical or more recent representations for smooth 4-manifolds (Kirby diagrams and trisections) and I will present results concerning estimations of invariants and examples of triangulations of exotic 4-manifolds.
Onsdag 21 augusti 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Lisa Nicklasson, Mälardalens universitet
Titel: Binomial complete intersections
Sammanfattning: Consider a collection C of N homogeneous polynomials in N variables. The polynomials C form a complete intersection if their only common zero is the origin, or equivalently if the induced quotient ring is a finite dimensional algebra. A third equivalent condition is that the resultant, a polynomial in the coefficients of C, is nonzero. Unfortunately, the resultant is in general difficult to compute. In this talk we will discuss the special case when C is a collection of binomials. We will see that drawing a directed graph helps us compute the resultant, and at the same time establishes a natural basis for the finite dimensional algebra defined by a binomial complete intersection.
The talk is based on a joint work with Filip Jonsson Kling and Samuel Lundqvist.
Onsdag 12 juni 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Anita Rojas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Titel: Algebra and Geometry: A fruitful interaction
Sammanfattning: In this talk, we will present some examples of the interaction between Algebra and Geometry. We will begin with a toy example, relating congruences on integers and their application to cryptography. Then, we will present three different objects: Riemann surfaces, Abelian varieties, and linear representations of finite groups. They all give rise to deep theories with their own known open problems. Nevertheless, considerable steps have been taken to solve these problems once these theories have been merged. We will explore some of these lines of interaction.
Onsdag 12 juni 2024, kl. 15.15-16.15, Andrew Ross Winters, Matematiska institutionen, Linköpings universitet
Titel: Combining math, physics, and computers to model our world
Sammanfattning: Waves are ubiquitous throughout science, engineering, and industry. From radio and ultrasound imaging to car or airplane design to flowing rivers and oceanic tides to the study of star formation and galactic evolution, wave phenomena play a critical role in how we interact with and understand the world around us. Classically, the behavior of waves is encoded into physical theories and laws which are themselves built from observational data.
Starting from such fundamental principles, applied and computational mathematicians interpret these physical laws into mathematical expressions. In turn, creating predictive models and/or systems of equations to describe the possible behavior of wave phenomena over space and time. Unfortunately, due to their underlying complexity, these mathematical models (often) cannot be solved with pen and paper or, for that matter, any other tool in a mathematician's "bag of tricks." Moreover, it is often the case that laboratory experiments are either too costly, too dangerous, or even impossible to perform. Instead, computational mathematicians turn to the raw power of computing technologies to numerically simulate solutions to these complex physical systems.
In this lecture, we discuss how mathematics and scientific computing can be used to approximate wave-type solutions of mathematical models. Of particular interest is the design of numerical approximations that are accurate and reliable with respect to applications across the natural sciences.
Onsdag 29 maj 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Tatiana Shulman, Chalmers & Göteborgs universitet
Titel: On almost commuting matrices
Sammanfattning: Questions of whether almost commuting matrices are necessarily close to commuting ones are old. They are closely related with C*-algebra theory and have somewhat topological nature. First we will discuss an old open question of which relations for families of commuting matrices are stable under small perturbations. This part of my talk is based on joint work with Dominic Enders. After that we will discuss group-theoretical stability that can be considered as an extension of the topic of almost commutating matrices. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in group stability. This is motivated in part by the fact that group stability provides a promising new angle to attack approximation conjectures for groups.
Onsdag 22 maj 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Seidon Alsaody, Uppsala universitet
Titel: Exceptional symmetry in algebra and geometry
Sammanfattning: Understanding objects by studying their symmetries is a familiar idea. Algebraic groups encode the symmetries of various objects in algebra, geometry and physics. Being the algebro-geometric analogue of Lie groups, they are nowadays studied in the framework of modern algebraic geometry.
Simple algebraic groups are typically classified into four families of so-called classical groups that we meet in linear algebra, such as rotation groups. However, there are five exceptions to this classification. These exceptional groups are therefore difficult to study, yet they are related to a number of interesting phenomena. In this talk, I will give a glimpse into where these groups arise in algebra, geometry and physics, and how they can be better understood when light is shed on the objects whose symmetries they encode.
Onsdag 15 maj 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Martin Raum, Chalmers & Göteborgs universitet
Titel: Integer Partitions and their Relation to Modular Forms
Sammanfattning: In this talk, we take a tour of some modular forms, one particular topic that modular forms have strongly impacted, and how their relation has developed over the decades. Starting with a natural counting problem, that is with combinatorics, we will transition through a timeline where modular forms help solving major open questions but also shape the questions being ask. Eventually, we return to the counting problem, and reexamine which questions remain open from a combinatorial perspective - an how modular forms can help to answer them.
Fredag 26 april 2024, kl. 10.15-11.15, Alexander Karassev, Nipissing University, Canada
Titel: A topological analysis of the BBC Loneliness Experiment
Sammanfattning: The 2018 BBC Loneliness Experiment collected almost fourth thousand responses to the survey question “Define what loneliness means to you”. We use several methods of data science and natural language processing to analyze these responses. In particular, we use persistent homologies and persistent diagrams to study and compare the language of loneliness used by different age groups.
This is a joint talk with Mary Pat Sullivan (Nipissing University, Canada), Christina Viktor (Brunel University London, UK), and Bright Effah (Ontario Northland, Canada).
Onsdag 24 april 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Stefan Wagner, BTH
Titel: Non-commutative principal bundles
Sammanfattning: The pioneering work of Hopf, Stiefel, and Whitney in the 1930’s demonstrated the importance of principal bundles for various applications of geometry and mathematical physics. In the noncommutative setting the notion of a free action of a quantum group on a noncommutative space provides a natural framework for noncommutative principal bundles. Analogous to their classical counterparts, these structures are gaining prominence in a wide array of applications within geometry and mathematical physics. In this presentation, we offer an introductory overview covering both the classical theory of principal bundles and their noncommutative geometry aspects.
Onsdag 10 april 2024, kl. 13.15-14.15, Alfilgen N. Sebandal, Research Center for Theoretical Physics, Jagna, Philippines
Titel: Quiver representations for Leavitt path algebras as talented monoid classification detour
Sammanfattning: There is a correspondence between quiver representations and path algebras. In this talk, we will see Leavitt Path algebras as a special case for such representation and how it will take a role in its classifications in relation to classifications in talented monoids.
This is a compilation of joint works with Roozbeh Hazrat, Wolfgang Bock, and Jocelyn P. Vilela.
Onsdag 3 april - Leif Melkersson, Lunds universitet
Titel: Countability properties in noetherian topological spaces
Tid: 13:15-14:15
Lokal: Hopningspunkten
Språk: Engelska
Sammanfatting: A topological space is noetherian if it satisfies the minimal condition for closed sets, i.e., each non-empty collection of closed sets has a member minimal with respect to inclusion. The spaces met in algebraic geometry usually have this property. Among other things it is proved that every totally ordered set in a noetherian space (with some extra condition) is countable. Applications to rings and modules are given.
Onsdag 20 mars - Meas Len, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Kambodja
Dispersive and Strichartz estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains
Tid: 13.15-14.15
Språk: Engelska
Sammanfattning: The dispersive and Strichartz estimates are essential for establishing well posedness results for nonlinear equations as well as long time behaviour of solutions to the equation. While in the boundary-less case these estimates are well understood, in the case of boundary the situation can become much more difficult. In this talk, I will present the result in [5, 6, 7] on precise local in time dispersive estimates for solutions of the model case Dirichlet wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains Ω ⊂ ℝ³ with smooth boundary ∂Ω ≠ ∅. Let us recall that dispersive estimates are key ingredients to prove Strichartz estimates. Strichartz estimates for waves inside an arbitrary domain Ω have been proved by Blair, Smith, Sogge [1, 2]. Optimal estimates in strictly convex domains have been obtained in [3]. Our case of cylindrical domains is an extension of the result of [3] in the case when the nonnegative curvature radius depends on the incident angle and vanishes in some directions.
[1] M. D. Blair, H. F. Smith, C. D. Sogge, On Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger operators in compact manifolds with boundary, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc (130)(2008), 247–256.
[2] M. D. Blair, H. F. Smith, C. D. Sogge, Strichartz estimates for the wave equation on manifolds with boundary, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 26(2009), 1817–1829.
[3] O. Ivanovici, G. Lebeau, and F. Planchon, Dispersion for the wave equation inside strictly convex domains I: the Friedlander model case, Annals of Mathematics 180(2014), 323–380.
[4] L. Meas, Dispersive estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains: A model case, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser I 355 (2017), 161–165.
[5] L. Meas, Precise dispersive estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 3431–3443.
[6] L. Meas, Strichartz estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 107 (2023), 304–312.
[7] L. Meas, Dispersive estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains, Annales Fenicci Mathematici 48(2023), 595–651.
Onsdag 24 januari 2024 kl 13.15-14.15, Sebastián Reyes Carocca, Universidad de Chile
Titel: Classifying compact Riemann surfaces by number of symmetries
Sammanfattning: The groups of automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces (or complex projective algebraic curves) have been extensively studied over the last decades. In this talk we shall consider compact Riemann surfaces that are uniquely determined by the property of possessing a group of automorphisms of a prescribed order. We shall discuss some recent results concerning the case in which such an order is 3g, where g is the genus. This is a joint work with Pietro Speziali (Campinas).