
Lars Olbert


I teaches in finance and accounting. In my research I focus within industry-specific valuation models and metrics. I have been a former financial analyst, portfolio manager and corporate finance (IPO).



Lars Olbert (2024) Financial analysts' use of industry specific stock valuation models Journal of Applied Accounting Research (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lars Olbert (2024) Financial analysts use of industry-specific stock valuation models
Lars Olbert (2024) Industry-specific stock valuation methods - a literature review Journal of Accounting Literature (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lars Olbert (2024) Identifying gaps between research results and education Journal of Accounting Education, Vol. 66, Article 100884 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Lars Olbert (2023) Bridging the gap between education, research and practice in stock valuation
Lars Olbert (2023) Financial analysts' use of stock valuation models


Lars Olbert (2022) The use of stock valuation methods by financial analysts - a literature review
Lars Olbert (2022) Ökad fokus på risk: inte bara avkastning Dagens Industri (Article in journal)


Lars Olbert, Robert Gärtner (1995) Aktievärdering. Shareholder Value Analysis


Lars Olbert (1994) Stock Valuation Methods of Financial Analysts in a Thin Stock Market in Sweden, with Comparisons to the United Kingdom and the United States International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 29, p. 123-135 (Article in journal)


Lars Olbert (1993) Stock Valuation - the USe of Information Sources and Valuation Methods by Five Categories of Investment Analysts Working Paper Series, Vol. 11, p. 1-15 (Article in journal)
Lars Olbert (1993) Aktievärdering. En undersökning om finansanalytikers metoder och informationskällor Beta: Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, Vol. 1, p. 12-24 (Article in journal)


Lars Olbert (1992) Värdering av aktier: finansanalytikers värderingsfaktorer och informationskällor
Lars Olbert (1992) Aktiehandboken


Lars Olbert (1990) Aktie ABC. En utförlig ordbok om aktier och optioner


Lars Olbert, Mikael Andersson (1988) Investerarhandboken. Aktier & Optioner

