Photo of Torbjörn Tagesson

Torbjörn Tagesson

Professor, Head of Unit

Torbjörn Tagesson is professor of accounting. His research focuses on accounting and auditing in both the private and the public sector.

Accounting as the main theme

Torbjörn Tagesson is Professor of Accounting. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Lund University, Sweden in 2002 with a dissertation on Cost Accounting as the Basis for Benchmarking and Pricing. Today Torbjörn divides his time between research and teaching at Linköping University, where he became a professor in 2012, and work as Executive Director at the Swedish Council for Municipal Accounting.

Teaching in accounting

Professor Tagesson teaches academic courses att both basic, advanced and post-graduate level. He also supervises graduate students in the fields of accounting and auditing.

Research in accounting, auditing and governance

Professor Tagesson's interest in research focuses on the areas of accounting, auditing and governance. Empirically, he is interested in both the private and the public sectors. A large part of Torbjörn's research focuses on how institutional and economic factors affect different accounting choices. It may be a matter of application and compliance of standards and regulation, but also questions about extent and content of voluntary disclosures.

Brief facts

Find more about Torbjörn Tagesson

Assignments outside the academy

  • Torbjörn is since 2003 member of the Council for Municipal Accounting’s expert panel and since 2008 he is the Executive Director.
  • He was appointed as an expert at the latest revision of Municipal Accounting Act, SOU 2016:24 (KomRed).
  • He is also member of the Education Committee of The Swedish Association of Graduates in Business Administration and Economics.
  • Member of the Swedish Association of Professional Local Government Auditors’ Certification Committee.
  • From 2016 he is a member of the Swedish Auditing Academy.



Pernilla Broberg, Torbjörn Tagesson (2024) Varför en standard för räkenskapsrevision Kommunal ekonomi, Vol. 3, p. 37-37 (Article, book review)
Pierre Donatella, Johanna Sylvander, Torbjörn Tagesson (2024) More than a compliance exercise? The case of consolidated financial accounts in Swedish municipalities Public Money & Management (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Pernilla Broberg, Torbjörn Tagesson (2024) The adoption of professional audit standards in the public sector: The role of the audit profession and other actors Auditing Transformation: Regulation, Digitalisation and Sustainability, p. 90-110 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Pierre Donatella, Emmeli Runesson, Torbjörn Tagesson (2024) To manage or reserve accruals? Evidence from abalanced-budget requirement reform Public Money & Management, Vol. 44, p. 366-375 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Torbjörn Tagesson (2023) Dumhet, opportunism, normering och revision: exemplet finansiell leasing i kommuner och regioner

