Daniel Jung
Universitetslektor, Docent
Daniel Jung, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, The LiU-ICE Benchmark – An Industrial Fault Diagnosis Case Study (2024) https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13269
Max Johansson, Arnaud Contet, Olof Erlandsson, Robin Holmbom, Erik Hockerdal, Oskar Lind Jonsson, Daniel Jung, Lars Eriksson, The Electrochemical Commercial Vehicle (ECCV) Platform, Energies 17:1742 (2024)
Niklas Allansson, Arman Mohammadi, Daniel Jung, Mattias Krysander, Fuel injection fault diagnosis using structural analysis and data-driven residuals, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 360-365, ELSEVIER (2024)
Theodor Westny, Arman Mohammadi, Daniel Jung, Erik Frisk, Stability-Informed Initialization of Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, Proceedings of the 41 st International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria. PMLR 235, 2024, Neil Lawrence (ed.), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pp. 52903-52914, PMLR (2024)
Vishnu Renganathan, Qadeer Ahmed, Daniel Jung, Enhancing the Security of Automotive Systems Using Attackability Index, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 9:315-327 (2024)