
Erik Frisk

Proprefekt, Professor, Avdelningschef


Abhijeet Behera, Sogol Kharrazi, Erik Frisk,  Extraction of Lane Changes from Naturalistic Driving Data for Performance Assessment of HCT Vehicles, Proceedings of the 28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 2: Road Vehicles, Huang, Wei; Ahmadian, Mehdi (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME), pp. 153-164, Springer Nature Switzerland (2024)

Abhijeet Behera, Sogol Kharrazi, Erik Frisk,  How do long combination vehicles perform in real traffic? A study using Naturalistic Driving Data, Accident Analysis and Prevention 207:107763 (2024)

Abhijeet Behera, Sogol Kharrazi, Erik Frisk,  Performance analysis of an A-double in roundabouts using naturalistic driving data, Setting the Wheels In Motion, International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology; The International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (2024)

Arezou Safdari-Vaighani, Erik Frisk, Olov Holmer, Mattias Krysander,  Synthetic Generation of Streamed and Snapshot Data for Predictive Maintenance, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 270-275, ELSEVIER (2024)

Daniel Jung, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, The LiU-ICE Benchmark – An Industrial Fault Diagnosis Case Study (2024)

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