Linda Wänström

Universitetslektor, Docent




Maria Weurlander, Linda Wänström, Astrid Seeberger, Annalena Loenn, Linda Barman, Hakan Hult, Robert Thornberg, Annika Wernerson (2024) Development and validation of the physician self-efficacy to manage emotional challenges Scale (PSMEC) BMC Medical Education, Vol. 24, Artikel 228 Vidare till DOI
Mattias Kloo, Robert Thornberg, Linda Wänström, Dorothy L. Espelage (2024) Longitudinal links of authoritative teaching and bullying victimization in upper elementary school Educational Psychology Vidare till DOI


Robert Thornberg, Eva Hammar Chiriac, Camilla Forsberg, Linda Wänström (2023) The association between student-teacher relationship quality and school liking: A small-scale 1-year longitudinal study Cogent Education, Vol. 10, Artikel 2211466 Vidare till DOI
Patrick OKeefe, Linda Wänström, Joseph Lee Rodgers (2023) Reframing the clouded scientific spectacles of the Flynn effect: A view through two lenses Intelligence, Vol. 97, Artikel 101735 Vidare till DOI
Robert Thornberg, Linda Wänström, Henrik Lindqvist, Maria Weurlander, Annika Wernerson (2023) Motives for becoming a teacher, coping strategies and teacher efficacy among Swedish student teachers European Journal of Teacher Education Vidare till DOI

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