The Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE) is a vibrant, international and collaborative research environment of more than 140 scientists, students, and staff. We design and synthesize functional organic materials and hybrid materials, model and characterize their properties and apply them in an array of areas including energy harvesting and storage, catalysis, printed electronics, photonics, bioelectronics and plant bioelectronics. Our activities span the range from fundamental research to commercialization. An important common theme for our research is materials for sustainable technologies and we are active in several large multi-institutional efforts such as the Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC), the Wallenberg Initiative Material Science for Sustainability (WISE), the Digital Cellulose Center (DCC) and Treesearch. LOE is a collaborative research environment emphasizing knowledge and expertise sharing. LOE operates a large open laboratory environment featuring state-of-the-art facilities for synthesis, characterization and fabrication including cleanroom facilities and equipment, as well as access to the Printed Electronics Arena with a full suite of printing and additive manufacturing tools and techniques. At LOE, the graduate training and research activities are conducted in English.
Group leaders
Catherine Aitchison, Functional Pi-Materials
Glib Baryshnikov, Theory & Modelling
Magnus Berggren, Organic Bioelectronics
Reverant Crispin, Organic Energy Materials
Simone Fabiano, Organic Nanoelectronics
Mats Fahlman, Surface Physics & Chemistry
Alexander Holm, Catalysis and Self-Assembly
Magnus Jonsson, Organic Photonics & Nano-optics
Renee Kroon, Organic Chemistry
Peter Olsén, Green Polymer Chemistry
Daniel Simon, Organic Bioelectronics
Eleni Stavrinidou, Electronic Plants
Klas Tybrandt, Soft Electronics
Igor Zozoulenko, Theory & Modelling