Fotografi av Kristian Sandahl

Kristian Sandahl

Professor, Enhetschef





Torvald Mårtensson, Kristian Sandahl (2024) The Testing Hopscotch Model - Six Complementary Profiles Replacing the Perfect All-Round Tester PRODUCT-FOCUSED SOFTWARE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT, PROFES 2023, PT I, s. 495-510 Vidare till DOI


Shanai Ardi, Kristian Sandahl, Mats Gustafsson (2023) A Case Study of Introducing Security Risk Assessment in Requirements Engineering in a Large Organization SN Computer Science, Vol. 4, Artikel 488 Vidare till DOI


Azeem Ahmad, Erik Norrestam Held, Ola Leifler, Kristian Sandahl (2022) Identifying Randomness related Flaky Tests through Divergence and Execution Tracing 2022 IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION WORKSHOPS (ICSTW 2022), s. 293-300 Vidare till DOI
Daniel Ståhl, Kristian Sandahl, Lena Buffoni (2022) An Eco-System Approach to Project-Based Learning in Software Engineering Education IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 65, s. 514-523 Vidare till DOI
Azeem Ahmad, Ola Leifler, Kristian Sandahl (2022) Data visualisation in continuous integration and delivery: Information needs, challenges, and recommendations IET Software, Vol. 16, s. 331-349 Vidare till DOI


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