Johan Löfberg
Universitetslektor, Docent
Se den engelska versionen för mer information.
Abhishek Dhar, Carl Hynén, Johan Löfberg, Daniel Axehill, Disturbance-Parametrized Robust Lattice-based Motion Planning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 9:3034-3046 (2024)
Filipe Marques Barbosa, Anton Kullberg, Johan Löfberg, Fast or Cheap: Time and Energy Optimal Control of Ship-to-Shore Cranes, Special issue: 22nd IFAC World Congress, Hideaki Ishii, Yoshio Ebihara, Jun-ichi Imura, Masaki Yamakita (eds.), IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 3126-3131, ELSEVIER (2023)
Filipe Marques Barbosa, Johan Löfberg, Time-optimal control of cranes subject to container height constraints, Proceedings of 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 3558-3563, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2022)
Robin Forsling, Anders Hansson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Zoran Sjanic, Johan Löfberg, Gustaf Hendeby, Conservative Linear Unbiased Estimation Under Partially Known Covariances, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70:3123-3135 (2022)
Erik Hedberg, Johan Löfberg, Anders Helmersson, A pedagogical path from the internal model principle to Youla-Kucera parametrization, IFAC PAPERSONLINE, pp. 17374-17379, ELSEVIER (2020)